
  • 网络high-frequency electromagnetic field;electromagnetic field of high frequency;EMF
  1. 对于电磁仿真数值计算方法,选用了基于微分方程的有限元方法,并采用高频电磁场计算的专用软件HFSS进行建模,对结构尺寸优化仿真,得到了仿真的驻波比及性能插损曲线。

    Choose the finite element method based on differential equations , and use HFSS which is the special software for the high-frequency electromagnetic field to be calculated and simulated . Then I obtained in the simulation waveform and field distribution .

  2. 模块化成组高频电磁场防垢除垢技术应用研究

    Application Research on Modular Group High-frequency Electromagnetic Field Antiscaling Technology

  3. 高频电磁场问题中的并矢Green函数方法

    Dyadic Green 's Function Method for High Frequency Electromagnetic Field Problems

  4. 将ANSYS应用于求解高频电磁场

    Solving the High Frequency Electromagnetic Field with ANSYS

  5. 文章介绍了利用大型有限元软件ANSYS分析和求解高频电磁场边值问题的基本方法,并把所得计算结果与解析解进行对比。

    The basic method of analyzing and solving the high frequency electromagnetic field with the finite element software ANSYS was introduced .

  6. 在考虑趋肤效应、涡流损耗等高频电磁场效应对电感Q值的影响后,获得了微机械电感的简化电学模型,得到了具有较高Q值电感的优化结构。

    A simplified electrical model is used to study the influence of high frequency magnetic fields on the parasitical resistance , including the eddy effect and skin effect .

  7. 目的:探讨高频电磁场(high-frequencyelectromagneticfields,HEMFs)曝露治疗急性胃损伤的作用机制。

    Objective : To elucidate the treatment mechanism of the exposure of high-frequency electromagnetic fields ( HEMFs ) to acute gastric mucosal injuries in rats .

  8. 利用XRD和OM分析等手段研究了高频电磁场对AZ91合金凝固态组织的影响。

    The microstructure of AZ91 magnesium alloy under magnetic field and without magnetic field during solidification was studied by XRD and OM .

  9. 通过对溶液电导率、pH值、Ca2+浓度等相关理化参数的测量,研究高频电磁场频率对碳酸钙溶解度、结晶速度的影响。

    Through the solution conductivity , pH , Ca 2 + concentration , and measurement of physical and chemical parameters , studies the frequency of high frequency electromagnetic fields on calcium carbonate solubility , rate of crystallization .

  10. 在不考虑碰撞机制的情况下,研究了外加高频电磁场(泵波)下等离子体中Langmuir波和离子声波的增强以及带电粒子流的加速。

    Enhancement of Langmuir and ion-acoustic wave and acceleration of the electron in a collisionless plasma , in the presence of an external transverse field , were investigated .

  11. 层状介质高频电磁场响应及位移电流影响

    High-Frequency Electromagnetic Response of Layer Model and the Influences of Displacement Currents

  12. 大鼠胚胎期暴露高频电磁场的操作行为测试

    Operant behavior tests in rats after prenatal exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields

  13. 高频电磁场对工人行为功能的影响

    The influence of high frequency electromagnetic field on behavioral

  14. 高频电磁场防垢技术在灰水回收管道上的应用

    Application of an anti-encrustation technique with high frequency electro-magnetic field in ash-pond reclaiming pipes

  15. 高频电磁场强化浸取果胶的研究

    Intensified Extraction of Pectin from Orange Peel in an Electromagnetic Field of Super-high Frequency

  16. 高频电磁场防垢技术在循环水中的应用机理初探

    Primary Inquire into Application Mechanism of High-frequency Electromagnetic Field Anti-scaling Technique in Circulating Water System

  17. 软接触结晶器外对连铸坯施加高频电磁场的基础研究

    A Fundamental Study on High Frequency Electromagnetic Field Imposing upon Continuous Casting Outside Soft Contacting Mold

  18. 高频电磁场曝露对胃粘膜急性损伤的治疗效应及作用机制研究

    Study on Therapeutic Effect and Mechanism of High-frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Acute Gastric Mucosal Injuries in Rats

  19. 本文讨论了高频电磁场问题中的并矢格林函数方法,研究了并矢格林函数方法在寻求并矢变换函数中的应用,得到了部分工程问题的理论结果。

    In this paper , the method for deriving DTF is investigated , and some applications are obtained .

  20. 表皮生长因子和降钙素基因相关肽在高频电磁场治疗急性胃损伤中作用研究

    Study of Role of EGF and CGRP in Exposure of HEMFs in Treating Acute Gastric Mucosal Injuries in Rats

  21. 从铁磁单层膜、复合多层膜、纳米薄膜对高频电磁场的响应机制和理论及计算模拟、薄膜高频电磁特性的测量技术几方面做了分析和总结。

    Magnetic films , multilayers , mechanism of response to electromagnetic wave and measurement technology were described as follows .

  22. 但有效评价高频电磁场在线抑垢效果的策略及手段还很欠缺。

    However , high-frequency electromagnetic fields for mitigation of fouling effect of online strategy and means of effective evaluation is still lacking .

  23. 为了更有效地避免因射频、微波等高频电磁场对城市居民身心健康的危害,进行城市电磁波辐射水平的监测与评价,并为此采取相应的防护措施是十分必要的。

    It is necessary to monitor and evaluate the level of electromagnetic radiation , and so as to take protective measures correspondingly .

  24. 大型天线作为复杂的机电一体化系统,其设计涉及到机械结构、高频电磁场、伺服机构、制造工艺等多个学科领域。

    As a mechatronic system , design of large antenna is depended on structure , electromagnetic field , servo control and manufacturing technology .

  25. 方法采用WHO神经行为核心测试组合中4项神经行为功能测试方法,观察工业高频电磁场对作业工人神经行为的影响。

    Methods Four neurobehavioral functions were tested for the workers exposed to high frequency radiation with Neurobehavioral Core Tests Battery recommended by WHO .

  26. 采用模块化成组高频电磁场防垢除垢技术研制的防垢除垢设备成功地应用于电厂输灰管道上。

    The antiscaling equipment , which applying with the modular group high-frequency electromagnetic field , is acted successfully in the ash pipeline of power plant .

  27. 施加保护渣或连续的高频电磁场都能显著降低拉坯阻力,而且拉坯速度越大,拉坯阻力下降的幅度越大;

    The mold flux and electromagnetic field could decrease the friction force obviously , and the degree of decreasing friction force increases with increasing casting speed .

  28. 对高频电磁场屏蔽效能测试的基本原理及配置、测试要点作了详细的介绍,并提供实例以供参考。

    The principle , setup and key points of shielding effectiveness testing for high frequency electromagnetic field were introduced in detail and case study was presented .

  29. 对矩形微波谐振腔中的等离子体,在高频电磁场和非均匀稳恒外磁场作用下的电子回旋共振运动进行了讨论。

    The deposition of a-Si ∶ H films was performed by using microwave electron cyclotron resonance ( MW ECR ) plasma with the assistance of tungsten filament .

  30. 现代技术的许多方面都与电磁场尤其是高频电磁场密切相关,对复杂工程电磁场问题的分析和计算成为现在技术发展的重要课题。

    High frequency electromagnetics is closely related to many aspects of modern technology . It is a very important topic to solve the complex electromagnetic problems with numerical methods .