
  1. 最近歌诗达游轮公司还将中国女演员高圆圆作为其品牌大使。

    Costa also recently named Chinese actress Gao Yuanyuan as its brand ambassador .

  2. 大陆女演员高圆圆因其清纯的外表成为男人们心中的理想对象。

    Mainland actress Gao Yuanyuan is the heartthrob of many men , thanks to her innocent looks .

  3. 尽管包括高圆圆和张雨绮在内的不少女演员都尝试过,但这种发型却让有些明星看起来傻傻的。问题的根源还是发质。

    Thoughit has sprouted on a number of actresses'heads , includingthat of Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Yuqi , it looks silly on some celebrities . Theproblem , once again , comes down to hair type .