
fù mǎ
  • son-in-law;emperor's son-in-law;emperors son-in-law;side horse
驸马 [fù mǎ]
  • (1) [side horse]∶副车之马;驾辕之外的马

  • 驸马都尉掌附马

  • (2) [emperors son-in-law]∶驸马都尉的简称。原为汉代官名。魏晋以后皇帝的女婿必担任驸马都尉一职。后来驸马就成为皇帝女婿的专称

  • (3) [son-in-law]∶泛指女媚(多含讥讽或戏谑意)

  • 公司经理招驸马

驸马[fù mǎ]
  1. 那驸马得到皇帝的剑了么?

    Did your husband get the Emperor 's sword ?

  2. 驸马庄复合农业生态系统功能的评价

    Evaluation of the Functions of a Compound Agroecosystem

  3. 他高官厚禄的,又是皇朝驸马,想必也不在乎那几个钱

    He greatnesses , and are a royal consort prince , presumably did not care that some money

  4. 于是,小个子裁缝成了驸马,婚礼也办得非常隆重。

    So the little tailor became a prince , and a grand wedding it was , too .

  5. 她也是够幸运能找到一个为她量身订作的男人当她以为永远都找不到的驸马爷。

    She had been lucky enough to find a man who was tailor-made to be the prince she thought she would never find .

  6. 一天国王要招驸马,出了一个难题,先让大象摇摇头,在让大象点点头最后让大象跳进水池里,就可一做驸马。

    One day the king to recruit the bridegroom , a problem , let an elephant shake , in the end make elephants nods pool , into a hospital .

  7. 古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。

    Ancient Greece King Elis to choose a civil and military complete in both emperor 's son-in-law for own daughter , proposed that the election must compete the combat tank with .
