
  • 网络malone;John Malone;Marlon;Michael Malone
  1. 马隆在床脚坐下了。

    Malone sat down on the bottom of the bed .

  2. 他扔给马隆一罐啤酒,自己也拿了一罐。

    He tossed Malone a can of beer , and took one himself .

  3. 马隆站起身来,跟在他的上司后面走出了套房。

    Malone got to his feet and followed his superior out of the suite

  4. 马隆向外看着毫无特色的灰绿色的景致。

    Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape .

  5. 马隆瞪大了双眼。“你在戏弄我吧,利亚姆。”

    Malone 's eyes widened . ' You 're having me on , Liam . '

  6. 马隆是个警察,他跟他们一样都觉得自己像个外人。

    Malone , a cop , felt as much an outsider as any of them .

  7. 马隆夫人拿起拨火棒,拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。

    Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her .

  8. “这是咸牛肉配卷心菜。”马隆说。“呃,”莫琳表示反感地说了一声。

    ' It 's corned beef and cabbage , ' said Malone . ' Yuk , ' said Maureen .

  9. 选择的聚合物有聚苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯(SBS)、茚-古马隆树脂(CIR)、聚乙二醇(PEG)、不饱和聚脂树脂(UP)及环氧树脂(EP)。

    The polymers include styrene-butadiene-styrene , indene-coumarone resin , polyethylene glycol , unsaturated polyester and epoxy resin .

  10. GTO的软化效果优于液体古马隆。

    The softening effect of GTO is better than that of liquid coumarone resin .

  11. 但这没有实际意义,因为默多克家族通过有投票权的股票控制着新闻集团,击败了约翰马隆(johnmalone)的突然袭击。

    But this is moot , since the Murdoch family controls News Corp through its voting shares , having seen off a raid by John Malone .

  12. 他先是听到资深科技作家迈克尔‧马隆(MichaelMalone)在演讲中对英特尔员工说,行事过于谨慎便会失败。

    First , he listened to the veteran technology writer Michael Malone tell an audience of Intel employees that if they were too cautious they would fail .

  13. 里卡多•巴博萨探长告诉BBC,马隆的保险箱里发现了700多张装在信封里的门票,且都清楚标明了是待售。

    More than 700 tickets organised in envelopes clearly marked for sale were found in a safe with Mr Mallon , Detective Ricardo Barbosa told the BBC .

  14. THG公司否认了相关指控,称马隆并未倒卖或试图倒卖门票,而是在为官方授权的爱尔兰票务公司Pro10Management的顾客预留门票。

    THG Sports rejects the allegations , saying Mr Mallon had not sold or sought to sell tickets but had been holding them for collection by clients of the authorised Irish ticket reseller , Pro 10 Management .

  15. 结果CYP2C9抑制剂苯溴马隆抑制4′-羟基甲苯磺丁脲的生成,使其产率由100%下降到14.5%;

    Results Benzbromarone decreased the yield of 4 ′ - hydroxytolbuta  ̄ mide from 100 % to 14.5 % ;

  16. 麻省理工大学的托马斯•马隆(ThomasMalone)认为自动化、全球化和解除管制等变化可能是更大变化的一个部分:这是劳动力分配到脑力劳动的应用。

    Dreaming spires , meet pin factory Thomas Malone of MIT argues that these changes - automation , globalisation and deregulation - may be part of a bigger change : the application of the division of labour to brain-work .

  17. 安德鲁•马隆(AndreMalraux)是一个法国作家和政治家,他声称戴高乐将军称丁丁为自己的唯一国际对手,因为他们俩人都是以在恶霸面前挺身而出而着名的。

    Andre Malraux , a French writer and politician , claimed that General de Gaulle called Tintin his " only international rival ", because both were famous for standing up to bullies .

  18. 建立了苯溴马隆片含量测定的HPLC方法。以Shim-packclc-ODS为色谱柱,甲醇-水(80∶20)为流动相,检测波长为237nm。

    A HPLC method for the determination of benzbromarone tablets was established , using a Shim-pack CLC-ODS column with the mobile phase of methanol-water ( 80 ∶ 20 ), at the detection wavelength of 237 nm .

  19. 本次试验采用PC-1500计算机处理数据,相对所研究体系,得到一估算表观粘度ηa的数学模型,继而发现GTO的软化系数大于液体古马隆树脂。

    The data were calculated by PC-1500 computer . The mathematical model which was used as estimating apparent viscosity (η ) had been obtained for the system studied . Therefore , the softening coefficient of GTO was bigger than that of liquid coumarone resin .

  20. 马隆自8月5日被捕后一直被拘留。他是英国体育服务公司THG的主管。该公司的持有者是伊普斯维奇城足球俱乐部的老板马库斯•埃文斯。

    Mr Mallon , who has been in custody since his arrest on 5 August , is a director of THG Sports , a British corporate and sports hospitality company owned by Ipswich Town Football Club owner Marcus Evans .

  21. 马隆先生,你不是一个科学研究者。

    Mr Malone , you are not a science student .

  22. 本文对4151软化剂及松焦油、古马隆等软化剂进行了性能对比。

    The property of 4151 softener is compared with that of other softeners .

  23. 苯溴马隆及其杂质的质量研究

    Studies on the Quality of Benzbromarone and Its Impurities

  24. 消息称:当时贾斯汀正在看乔马隆香水。

    Justin was looking at the Jo Malone fragrances .

  25. 马隆:“你想过这一天会到来吗?

    Did he ever think this day would come ?

  26. 站在自己门前的马隆丹,在他走过的时候突然放声大笑起来。

    Malandian , standing at his door , burst out laughing as he passed .

  27. 那部影片是由马隆布兰多主演的。

    Marlon Brando was starred in that film .

  28. 历史学家们从记录资料中收集信息(肯普马隆)参见

    Records from which historians glean their knowledge ( Kemp Malone ) See Synonyms at reap

  29. 以水杨醛为原料,经缩合、还原、酰化、脱甲基、溴化反应制得苯溴马隆,总收率40.6%。

    Benzbromarone was synthesized from salicylaldehyde by condensation with chloroacetone , reduction , acylation , demethylation and bromination with 40.6 % overall yield .

  30. 警方称其被捕与爱尔兰人凯文•詹姆斯•马隆在奥运开幕式当天被捕有关。

    Police said the arrest was related to that of fellow Irishman Kevin James Mallon on the day of the Olympic opening ceremony .