
  1. 这就是古老的马街书会的魅力,一个各种草根曲艺自由舞蹈的天堂。

    That 's the charm of the old Majie Street , heaven for all kinds of folk musical art .

  2. 日,人们骑着摩托车在河南省宝丰县马街村参加马街书会。

    Local people drive a motorbike to attend the annual story telling festival in Majie Village in Baofeng County , Henan Province , Feb.26,2010 .

  3. 街上车辆寥寥无几,我们决定叫一辆小包车去雷福马街,到了那儿后我们又走进位于布卡雷利大街上的一家酒吧,在那里畅谈诗歌,坐到很晚才分手。

    There were no more buses , so we decided to take a pesero together to Reforma , and from there we walked to a bar on Calle Bucareli , where we sat until very late , talking about poetry .

  4. 你就去马市街派出所,那里是市区。

    You go race sands police station , where urban areas .

  5. 马古达街51号,我很开心。

    Here is Via Margutta 51 . I am very happy .

  6. 教堂的钟都响起来了,传令人骑着马在街上宣布订婚的喜讯。

    All the church bells rung , and the heralds rode about the town proclaiming the betrothal .

  7. 在《马粥街残酷史》中他扮演一名想成为李小龙的高中生,寻到了爱情与友情。

    In the Spirit of Jeet Keun Do he plays a high school student who wants to be like Bruce Lee , discovers love and friendship .

  8. 他们正站在那儿谈得很投机的时候,忽然听到一阵得得的马蹄声,只见达西和彬格莱骑着马从街上过来。

    And the whole party were still standing and talking together very agreeably , when the sound of horses drew their notice , and Darcy and Bingley were seen riding down the street .

  9. 他以前住的那条街已改名为“纳盖布·马福兹”街。

    The street where he used to live is now called " Nageeb Mahfouz " Street .

  10. 瑞德赶着那匹慢腾腾的马从桃树街向西拐,马车摇摇晃晃地走上一条满是车辙的小道,猛地一颠把媚兰闷住的一声呻吟打断了。

    Rhett turned the horse 's slow feet westward from Peachtree and the wobbling wagon jounced into the rutty lane with a violence that wrenched an abruptly stifled moan from melanie .