
shì miàn
  • finishing;overcoating;facing;decorative lamination;veneer
饰面 [shì miàn]
  • [veneer] 一种用于墙的防护或装饰的面层(如砖或石头的)

饰面[shì miàn]
  1. 在80m直径的环形钢梁上干挂花岗石,取得了令人满意的饰面效果。

    A satisfactory finishing effect has been obtained by a means of dry-laying granite facing on steel ring beam 80 m in diameter .

  2. 193聚氨酯泡沫塑料外保温及饰面砖技术应用

    Application of outer insulation with 193 polyurethane foamed plastic and finishing tile

  3. 混凝土”地面涂有白色饰面,饰面是以石灰浆涂刷而成

    The surface of the concrete floor was coated by a white layer of slaking-lime . “

  4. 天然真石漆的应用与施工Natural(天然等同)相近。天然石材饰面涂料

    Application Of Natural Stone Paint

  5. E(52)-10型饰面薄型防火涂料的研究

    Study on E_ ( 52 ) - 10 type fire-retardant 、 decorative coating

  6. 作者研制出了新型建筑饰面和艺术品材料&晶花玻璃[C·P·G]。

    From this study we have obtained a new kind of decorative building material & Crystal pattern glass ( C. P. G ) .

  7. 按材料调湿性能参数b值的大小,本研究对胶合板、刨花板、纤维板、瓷砖、壁纸和聚胺酯饰面椴木三合板等多种材料作了湿度性能区分。

    The b values were used to classify the tested interior wall materials such as plywood , particleboard , fiberboard and so on .

  8. 新型EPS墙体外保温饰面技术介绍

    Introduction of new type EPS external wall thermal-insulation facing technique

  9. 瓷砖饰面EPS外保温复合墙体的质量控制

    Quality Control of EPS Exterior thermal Insulation Complex Wall with Ceramic Tile Face

  10. EPS板薄抹灰系统饰面涂料的选择及施工控制

    The Selection and Construction Control of Decorating Coating in EPS Plates Thin Plaster System

  11. 论述了PU饰面皮革的生产工艺和操作要点。

    The process and key points for producing PU transfer leather were described in the present paper .

  12. 目的考察高强度牙科陶瓷(A型)与松风VintageAL饰面瓷之间的界面结合及匹配性,为其临床应用奠定基础。

    Objective To investigate the interface bond strength and compatibility between High-Strength Dental Ceramic ( type A ) and Vintage AL veneering porcelain .

  13. 为了胶粘聚氯乙烯(PVC)薄膜及刨切微薄木饰面的胶合板,我们应用两种醋酸乙烯共聚乳液在不同复面工艺中进行试验。

    For adhering the PVC film and sliced thin veneer to wood-base panels , the laminating processes of two vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion adhesives were studied .

  14. 利用扫描电镜、电子探针、X射线衍射和辉光质谱等现代理化测试分析手段,率先完成了对花岗石材高光泽饰面层理化结构的综合测试分析研究工作。

    Comprehensive analysis including the physical and chemical characteristics and microstructure of high glossiness granite surfaces are analyzed by employed the SEM , electron probes , XRD and glow mass spectrogram .

  15. XD饰面砖主晶相分析及莫来石化历程

    Analyses of Main Crystal Phase of XD Tile and Process of Forming Mullite

  16. 还可以使用U形发夹——从时装表演或红地毯上寻找灵感,把霓虹和金属饰面元素融入进去,一排搭配三到四个。

    Bobby pins are another alternative -- look to the runway and red carpet for inspiration and incorporate neon and metallicfinishes or stack three or four in a row .

  17. CYC型饰面阻燃涂料的配方研制

    Development of CYC Fire Retardant Coating

  18. 在总结大量工程实践的基础上,提出了瓷砖饰面EPS外保温复合墙体的质量控制措施,具有广泛的借鉴作用。

    On the base of large quantity engineering practice , the quality control measures of tile coat EPS composite wall exterior insulation is introduced . It can be widely referenced .

  19. 浸渍纸层压木质地板以MF树脂为浸渍树脂,MF树脂虽硬度高,具有一定的耐磨性,但作为地板的饰面材料,其耐磨性还相差甚远。

    MF is used as the impregnated resin of the laminate floor covering , which has a certain degree of abrasion resistance but not enough as the flooring decoration material .

  20. 研究了难燃性饰面中密度纤维板(MDF)的阻燃机理及研制方法,通过正交试验进行配方设计,确定了最佳阻燃胶粘剂的涂刷量。

    This article was studying antifire mechanism and treatment methods for antifire laminated MDF , and made formula design , achieved the optimum amount of antifire adhesive by orthogonal design .

  21. XPS板外墙外保温系统的组成材料有XPS板、界面处理剂、专用粘结剂或聚合物胶泥、耐碱玻纤网格布、机械锚固件和饰面材料等。

    The outer insulation system of external wall with XPS plate is composed of XPS plate , boundary finishing agent , special bonding agent or polymer plaster , alkali-resistant glass fabric , mechanical anchorage and finishing materials .

  22. 针对大理石复合板的脱层问题,提出用活性碳酸钙粉改性台湾生产的饰面AB胶,自制性能稳定的胶黏剂。

    With regard to the lay separation of Calcium Carbonate composite plates , using the active Calcium Carbonate powder to modify the AB adhesive of Taiwan , a kind of adhesive substance with stable properties has been obtained .

  23. IFRC-871饰面膨胀型防火涂料的研制

    Development of IFRC-871 Finishing Intumescent Fireproof Coating

  24. 设计师杰伊•杰弗斯(JayJeffers)认识拉克已有16年时间,他也认为潮流将转向更简单的饰面,尽管他也赞同这并不代表它们操作起来肯定很简单。

    Designer Jay Jeffers , who has known Mr. Racke for 16 years , also sees the trend moving toward simpler finishes , though he agrees they aren 't necessarily simple to execute .

  25. 浅谈胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料在外墙保温中的施工技术某住宅工程外墙外保温采用30mm厚胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料,饰面层为粘贴面砖。

    30 mm thick mineral binder and expanded polystyrene granule insulating material is used for the surface thermal insulation of external wall of a residential project in Beijing . Tapestry brick is used for Finish coating .

  26. 目的:考察加入不同厚度的饰面瓷在0.2mm氧化铝上双层烤瓷贴面颜色的变化。

    Objective : To evaluate the color change of the two-layer porcelain laminate veneer after adding veneering porcelain of different thickness to the 0 . 2 mm thick aluminum oxide .

  27. 实验结果表明,经三聚氰胺树脂添加0.6% ̄1.0%的银离子抗菌剂饰面的人造板表面,24h对阴性和阳性菌的杀灭率均达到99%以上,抗菌活性大于2.4,达到了杀灭细菌的目的。

    The results show that when the proportion of silver bactericide added in the melamine resin is 0.6 %  ̄ 1.0 % , the killing rate of bacteria during 24 hours is more than 99 % in the surface of the panels and the bactericide activity is more than 2.4 .

  28. 本研究选用全瓷修复底层材料(MIC),通过改变喷砂的粒度、压力和时间,研究喷砂对其强度的影响,并对喷砂后的试件进行饰面瓷烧结,测量其强度的改变。

    In this study , using an all-ceramic core material ( MIC ), we investigate the change of strength caused by sandblast under different grain size , pressure and time . We also research the strength change of MIC sintering with its veneering porcelain that has been sandblasted before .

  29. 联想集团北京研发基地工程清水饰面混凝土面积达23000m2,结构形式复杂,墙体厚度不等,技术难度很大。

    In Beijing Research and Development Base Project of Lenovo Group , the area of fair-faced concrete is 23 000 square meters . With complicated structure and different wall thickness , it is hard to construct .

  30. 以红橡薄木和杨木多层板为材料,根据影响薄木饰面家具表面质量的因素,对添加剂、涂胶量、热压压力、热压温度、热压时间5因素进行4水平的L16(45)正交试验;

    The article studies the red-oak-veneered-technology on the multi-plywood of poplar . It designs the L_ ( 16 )( 4 ~ 5 ) orthodoxy-corrected test by added-material , adhesive content , unit press , temperature and time of hot press which affect the surface quality of veneered furniture of poplar .