
fēi xínɡ shì ɡù
  • flight accident
  1. 基于LS-SVM的飞机飞行事故率的预测建模

    Forecast Modeling of Flight Accident Rate for Aircraft Based on LS-SVM Method

  2. 飞行事故中的疲劳损伤失效分析

    The Failure Analysis of Fatigue Damage in a Flight Accident

  3. 其中,由于机组对机组资源管理(CRM)不善所导致的飞行事故占所有飞行事故的70%以上;另一方面,由于缺乏有效的训练所造成的人机障碍也是诱发人为原因差错的重要因素。

    Which , due to crew on crew resource management ( CRM ) caused by poor air accidents all flight accidents accounted for more than 70 % ; while the lack of effective training , man-machine problems can also be caused by human-induced causes of errors important factor .

  4. 飞行事故,我讨厌飞行事故。

    It 's crashing that I hate . I hate crashing .

  5. 飞行事故调查时缺失飞行参数的综合估计方法

    An Integrated Estimation Method of Lost Flight Parameter in Flight Accident Investigation

  6. 有个事实是大部分的飞行事故都发生在飞机起飞和降落的时候。

    It is true that most accidents happen on takeoff and landing .

  7. 创始人在一次翼伞飞行事故中不幸瘫痪后。

    When the founder became paralyzed in a paragliding accident .

  8. 巴德在一次飞行事故中失去了双腿。

    Bader lost both his leas in a flying accident .

  9. 飞行事故调查时多种信息源的时基同步

    Research of Time Synchronization of Multi-Information for Flight Accident Investigation

  10. 在2013年发生的飞行事故中,仅有10%发生在飞行途中。

    Just 10 per cent of 2013 accidents happened mid-flight .

  11. 基于支持向量机的飞行事故率预测模型

    The Prediction Modelling of Flight Accident Rate Based on Support Vector Machine

  12. 飞机结冰是造成飞机飞行事故的重要原因之一。

    Aircraft icing is one of the most important reasons for aircraft accident .

  13. 改进的灰色马尔科夫模型在飞行事故率预测中的应用

    Improved Grey Markov Model and Its Application in Prediction of Flight Accident Rate

  14. 数据仓库技术在飞行事故中的应用研究

    The Application of Data Warehouse Technique to Flight Accident

  15. 飞行事故中的人为失误与飞行员训练

    Human Error in Flying Accident and Pilot Training

  16. 飞行事故调查辅助分析系统的开发及应用

    Computer Aided Analysis System for Flight Accident Investigation

  17. 飞行事故发生后,所有的飞机在接受发动机检查前均被禁止起飞。

    After the crash , all planes is grounded until their engine is inspect .

  18. 重大飞行事故罪属于较为特殊的业务过失犯罪。

    The crime of causing a flight accident is an unintentional special professional crime .

  19. 也就是说飞行事故多发生在人的身上。

    That is to say , flying accidents happen in the " people " .

  20. 飞行事故调查的现状和发展

    The Status and Development of Aircraft Accident Investigation

  21. 地图投影在飞行事故分析中的应用

    Application of Map Projection in Flight Incident Analysis

  22. 着陆阶段飞行事故的心理学分析

    Psychology Analysis for Flying Accident during Landing

  23. 飞机飞行事故的原因分析及预防

    The analysis and prevention of aircraft mishap

  24. 此前777遭遇的两起最严重飞行事故均涉及着陆问题。

    The two most serious previous incidents involving 777s in flight both involved botched landings .

  25. 民航英语通讯失误引发飞行事故分析

    Analysis of Miscommunication in Civil Aviation English

  26. 国内航空运输飞行事故经济损失计算方法&间接经济损失篇

    Study on the Method for Evaluating the Indirect Economic Loss of Domestic Civil Aviation Flight Accident

  27. 减少与气象有关的飞行事故

    Reducing Air Accidents Related with Weather

  28. 他过来与她见面的那天晚上死于一场飞行事故。

    That night , he left to meet her and was killed in a plane crash .

  29. 绝大多数飞行事故是在飞机降落或者起飞时发生的。

    The vast majority of air accidents take place while aircraft are landing or taking off .

  30. 也就是说人为差错占据了飞行事故中的绝大部分因素。

    That is to say , human error to occupy the most factor in the accident .