
  • 网络snow drift;snowdrift
  1. 公路风吹雪的成因机理分析

    The Wind The Analysis of Formation Mechanism of Snow Drift on Highway

  2. 建立公路风吹雪数据库的研究

    The Studying of Building a Database of Snow Drift on Highway

  3. 风吹雪灾害试验与路基断面型式研究

    Research on Snow Drifting Disaster of Subgrade Test and Type Section

  4. 公路风吹雪的形成和影响因素分析

    Analysis on the formation and influential factors of snow on highway

  5. 山区铁路风吹雪灾害的防治

    Prevention of Windy Snow Disasters along Jinghe-Yili Railway Mountain Areas

  6. 公路风吹雪积雪力学原理与积雪深模型

    Hydromechanical mechanism of road snowdrift deposit and its depth model

  7. 铁路风吹雪灾害数值模拟及防治技术研究

    Study on Numerical Simulation and Prevention Measures of the Drifting Snow Disaster Along Railway

  8. 公路风吹雪积雪深预测模型研究

    Research on the Model of Forecasting the Snowdrift Depth of Blowing Snow in Road

  9. 关于公路风吹雪的流场结构与积雪规律的探讨

    On the Hydro - field Structure and the Law of Snow Accumulation on Highway

  10. 中国风吹雪区划

    Regionalization of snow drift in China

  11. 积雪灾害主要指自然积雪、风吹雪、雪崩。

    Snow calamity mainly consists of natural snow mantle , wind - drifting snow and avalanche .

  12. 路堤低、路堤边坡平缓,路面上易发生风吹雪沉积;

    Drifting snow deposition easily occurs on low embankment , embankment with gentle slope and road surface .

  13. 风吹雪对这些地区公路交通的危害给交通安全带来较大的影响。

    The danger to local highway communication caused by wind blowing snow bring greater influence to traffic safety .

  14. 在风吹雪害多发区,铁路路堤设计的适宜高度为200~1500cm。

    In drifting snow frequently occurred region , the adequate design height for railway embankment is 200-1 500 cm .

  15. 风雪地区雪害尤其以风吹雪造成的雪害是严重影响公路交通安全的一种自然灾害。

    Area caused by wind and snow blizzard of snow damage is a serious road traffic safety impact of a natural disaster .

  16. 通过建立公路风吹雪数据库系统,可以加快信息处理速度,实现信息管理实时化。

    Through building the database system of snow drift on highway , information processing speed quickened and information management automatization was realized .

  17. 实践证明,这些措施是得力的,可有效抵制风吹雪对公路造成的危害,大大降低公路的养护费用。

    The practice showed that these measures were efficient in preventing the hazards of snowdrift on highways and reducing the maintaining cost greatly .

  18. 阐述了我国西部地区和东北地区公路雪害造成的危害和公路风吹雪防治的必要性,并提出了相应的防治措施。

    The paper expounded the hazards of snowdrift on highway and the necessity against snowdrift in West and Northeast of China , and presented corresponding resolved methods .

  19. 另外,本课题的实施有助于收集各个地区历年发生公路风吹雪灾害的大量资料,为进一步分析奠定了基础。

    In addition , the system helps to collect a great deal of past years information of snow drift hazard on highway and lays a foundation for further analysis .

  20. 在风吹雪多发区,铁路风吹雪灾害的主要类型是路堑型风吹雪沉积,其次是低填路堤型风吹雪沉积。

    In drifting snow frequently occurred region , the main type of drifting snow disaster is drifting snow deposition in cutting and secondly drifting snow deposition on low-fill embankment .

  21. 以全路堑横断面风吹雪的野外观测为例,介绍了公路风吹雪的流场风速观测方法;

    In this paper , we take cutting cross-section for an example to carry out field observation , briefly introduce investigating method of flow wind speed of road snow-drift ;

  22. 它不仅会引起视程障碍,还会引起严重的积雪灾害,已是长期困扰风吹雪地区公路运输的一个难题。

    It may not only cause obstruction to vision , but also may cause serious snow cover . It has been a difficulty for highway transportation in snowdrift area for long term .

  23. 路堑边坡的角度越小、路堑越深、路堑走向与主导风向的夹角越小,风吹雪沉积越不易发生。

    While drifting snow deposition does not likely occur on cutting slope with small angle , deep cutting and the small inclination angle between the cutting strike and the prevailing wind direction is small .

  24. 本文通过对黑龙江省风吹雪多发路段进行调查,分析了公路风吹雪的成因机理,探讨了风吹雪的运动规律、公路风吹雪与地形、地物的关系、及其防治措施。

    Through the investigation of some road sections in Heilongjiang Province which are subject to snow drift , this paper analyses the formation mechanism of snow drift , enquires its kinematical rule , its relation to culture and its prevention .

  25. 为了更好地治理公路风吹雪雪害,保障公路畅通,本文采用VISUALFOXPRO6.0数据库管理系统作为开发工具,建立了公路风吹雪数据库系统软件。

    In order to control the hazard better and ensure road unblocked , this paper presents the building of Database System for Snow Drift on Highway which is compiled with the help of Visual FoxPro 6.0 Database Management System .

  26. 秋天的风应该是金色的,因为秋天是收获的季节金黄色使我们有丰收的感觉.冬天的风应该是鹅黄色的,鹅黄色的风吹在纯白的雪上,难道不是很暖和吗?

    The wind in autumn should be golden because autumn is harvest time , and golden color make us have harvest feelings . The wind in winter should be light yellow . When light yellow wind blew on white snow , it was very warm , wasn 't it ?