  • qing, a unit of area
  • a little while
  • just;just now
  • 中国市制田地面积单位:一~(等于一百亩)。碧波万~。

  • 短时间:~刻。有~。少~。俄~(很短的时间)。

  • 刚才,不久以前:~闻。~接来信。


(地积单位) qing, a unit of area (=6.6667 hectares):

  • 碧波万顷

    a boundless expanse of blue water


[书] (顷刻) a little while:

  • 少顷

    after a while;

  • 有顷

    after a while


[书] (不久以前) just; just now:

  • 顷闻

    just heard;

  • 顷接来信。

    I have just received your letter.

  1. 《千顷堂书目》与中国传统学术体系的微调机制

    Minor Adjustment of Chinese Traditional Academic System from the Vision of Bibliography of Qian Qing Tang

  2. 至宋徽宗大观三年(1109年),北宋全国学田总量达105990顷。

    At the third year of Song Huizong Daguan , the total of school-owned lands reached 105,990 Qing .

  3. 纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。(苏轼《前赤壁赋》)

    We let our boat float along , sailing over the vast expanse .

  4. 印度塔塔汽车公司在为旗下的NANO汽车加工基地选址的时候,西孟加拉省的官员向塔塔公司大力游说,并为这项众所瞩目的计划从当地农民手里征集了一千顷土地。

    When Tata Motors was looking for a site to establish an automobile plant to manufacture the Nano car , the West Bengal State government wooed the company and acquired one-thousand acres of land from farmers for the high-profile project .

  5. 而在缅因州任职18年的参议员奥林匹亚斯诺伊(olympiasnowe)的退休让这个左顷州内的共和党人陷入不知所措的境地。

    In Maine the retirement of Olympia Snowe , after 18 years , has left Republicans floundering in a left-leaning state .

  6. IHC-66对犬心室肌和浦顷野纤维的电生理作用

    Electrophysiological effect of IHC-66 on isolated canine ventricular muscles and Purkinje fibers

  7. 他毫不气馁,认为应该有些足够吃苦耐劳的人准备要加入他的远东一顷地社会运动(FarEasternHectareSocialMovement)组织;这个在圣彼得堡创立的私人团体是为了提高众人对免费屯垦地计划的兴趣,并帮助组织移民定居。

    Undaunted , he said he thought there were enough hardy souls ready to join his organization , the Far Eastern Hectare Social Movement , a private outfit set up in St. Petersburg to drum up interest in the free land program and to organize new settlements .

  8. 最优组合为刀辊转速480r/min,动刀的顷角为6°,机组前进速度为2.45km/m。

    Optimized combination is that the rotational speed of blade-axle is 480 r / min , the obliquity of rotary blade is 6 °, and the moving forward speed of machine is 2.45km/m .

  9. 有点幻灭但并没动摇&重新解读1927年顷茅盾的思想与创作

    New Explanation of Mao Dun 's Thought and Creation in 1927

  10. 那是一种顷忽即灭的虚荣,有如狂风掀起的白浪。

    That is the temporary vanity of torrents swelled by a storm .

  11. 英皇口琴五重奏为开幕礼顷力演出。

    The King 's Harmonica Quintet enlightened the opening ceremony with a musical performance .

  12. 父亲总是我的亲密朋友,我愿意向他顷诉我的所思。

    Father is always my close friend , I 'm willing to tell him what I think about .

  13. 万顷良田项目中农村居民点拆迁及城镇化模式探讨&以江都市小纪镇为例

    Discussion on Relocation Compensation of Rural Residential Area and the Urbanization Mode in Million Hectares of Fertile Farmland Project

  14. 于是游湖之兴顿生,驾一叶轻舟,徜徉万顷波涛。

    So Hing Lake of All of a sudden have a , driving securinine Adventures , 10000 ares beautiful waves .

  15. 那是亨利爵士发来的,上面说:“顷悉白瑞摩现在庄园。”

    It was from Sir Henry and said : " Have just heard that Barrymore is at the Hall . "

  16. 顷悉您哥哥最近逝世的消息,特此慰问。

    Word of the recent death of your brother has just come to me , and I hasten to offer condolences .

  17. “一碧万顷”:一片碧绿,广阔无际。顷,极言其广。

    " Watery blue reaching far beyond the horizon ": a green , boundless . Ares , extremely says its wide .

  18. 如果开始的时候就使用大砝码重物,你就会发现你的身体会后顷。

    If you use too much too soon , you may find that you start to lean back in the water .

  19. 每当人们登上28米高的观景塔,将木兰湖的湖光山色尽收眼底,远眺青山叠翠,碧波万顷;

    Whenever people boarded the28-meter-high viewing tower Mulan Lake to a panoramic view of the spectacular landscape overlooking Emerald Castle Peak waves ;

  20. 干渠西起径阳,引径水向东,下游进人洛水,全长300余里,灌溉面积4万顷。

    The canal } nras 150 kilometers linking the Jingshui River and the Luoshui River . It could irrigate 40000 hec-of farmlands .

  21. 今年春天,中央山谷超过20万顷的农田将被荒废。

    Farmers may not be able to plant crops on more than 200,000 hectares of farmland in the Central Valley this spring .

  22. 顷该之间,吉英又镇静了下来,把信放在一旁,象平常一样,高高兴兴地跟大家一起聊天;

    Jane recollected herself soon , and putting the letter away , tried to join with her usual cheerfulness in the general conversation ;

  23. 仅采用强侧呼吸的问题时,时日一久,你的划臂会出现侧顷,且左右侧动作不对称。

    The problem with breathing to only one side is that it tends , over time , to make your stroke lopsided and asymmetrical .

  24. 因为之前通过向女孩们顷售公主玩偶赚了一大笔,他们也想从男孩儿那挣点钱。

    Because when you make a lot of money selling princesses to girls , you also kind of want to make money from boys .

  25. 宽容、谅解与博爱是最终挽救人类的信条,只有仪态万方如大海股吞吐万顷的母爱能够涵纳这一切。

    Tolerance , understanding and love are the ultimate doctrine to save human beings . Maternal love is like the sea that contains everything .

  26. 模型不管时固连还是紧密插接在珠串上,当轨道顷斜时,模型都不会从轨道上掉落。

    Whether the model is fixed or closely inserted at the bead chain , the model will not fall off a rail when the rail slants .

  27. 贻谷在蒙地放垦历时六年,为清廷带来了巨额的财政收入,同时放垦土地逾数万顷。

    Cultivating the land for six years brought huge financial income to the Qing court as well as cultivated more than tens of thousands of lands .

  28. 清晨的码头寂静而凉爽,一张藤椅,一壶清茶,享万顷之碧波,何等闲适。

    Silent and cool in the morning , a cane chair , a pot of light tea , and spacious green waves , what a leisure !

  29. 一顷由长条形的一百亩并列组成,长边处有一条阡道。

    One Qing farmland consists of one hundred Mu farmland which are rectangle and paratactic , there is a path on the long side of the farmland .

  30. 乡村中,开沟浚壑、造篱立界、栽培垦殖,一片生产气象;到了第二年的夏天,整个乡村便涌现出万顷麦浪,一起金黄。

    In the country there was draining and hedging , planting and clearing , until the next summer saw the whole country golden with the wheat crop .
