
jiǔ cōng
  • leek
韭葱[jiǔ cōng]
  1. 分子检测韭葱黄条病毒的研究

    Molecular detection of Leek yellow stripe virus

  2. 芳香植物原产于亚洲,细香葱和中国香葱、大蒜、葱和韭葱属于同一家庭。

    A romatic plants native to asia , the chive and the Chinese chive belong to the same family as garlic , onion and leek .

  3. 上菜时,把炒好的韭葱覆在鱼上。

    To serve , top the fish with the cooked leeks .

  4. 彻底清洗韭葱,再沥去水分。

    Wash the leeks thoroughly and allow them to drain .

  5. 野韭葱是北美东部山区的一种野生植物。

    Ramps are a wild plant in the eastern mountains of North America .

  6. 野韭葱的季节很短。

    Ramps have a short season .

  7. 野韭葱不像其他蔬菜那么有名,但它们在美国有着悠久的历史。

    Ramps are not as well-known as other vegetables , but they have a long history in the United States .

  8. 情侣靠爱情生活,如同云雀靠韭葱生活。

    Lovers live by love , as larks live by leeks .

  9. 小时候我曾在花盆里种了些韭葱。

    When I was young I grew some leeks in a pot .

  10. (他想点的是汉堡包&不要配上腌野韭葱调料。)

    ( he would have a hamburger & hold the pickled ramp dressing . )

  11. 放入韭葱和蒜,盐,嫩煎,搅拌约7分钟直至呈半透明。

    Add leeks and garlic ; saute , stirring , until translucent , about 7 minutes .

  12. 鲜或冷藏的洋葱、青葱、大蒜、韭葱及其他葱属蔬菜。

    Onions , shallots , garlic , leeks and other alliaceous vegetables , fresh or chilled .

  13. 苏格兰韭葱鸡肉汤用鸡肉汤和韭葱做成的汤他喜欢吃用肉和韭菜做馅的饺子。

    A soup made with chicken broth and leeks . He likes eating the dumplings with meat and chives .

  14. 我看着她精挑细选了几棵韭葱和一些蘑菇,在跟她很熟的菜贩子那里买了花生和豆腐,两人还聊了几句家常。

    I watched her carefully select several leeks and shitake mushrooms and ask the clerk , who knew her well , for peanuts and tofu .

  15. 在两束花之间、玫瑰花的正下方,是威尔士韭葱,它的旁边是象征哈利王子的丝带。

    Appearing between the two flowers , and directly under the rose , is the Welsh leek , which is paired together with Prince Harry 's label .