
  1. 方鸿渐吃韩家的晚饭,甚为满意。

    Fang Hung-chien found the dinner at the Hans quite satisfactory .

  2. 韩家店期主要为潮坪-浅水陆棚沉积。

    In Hanjiadian Age , it mainly was the tidal flat-shallow shelf environments .

  3. 这批墓葬以中小型墓为主,虽然多数墓葬遭到不同程度破坏,但墓葬形制比较清楚,并有一定数量的随葬物出土,为韩家湾村唐墓研究提供了基础资料。

    The main tombs of Han Jia Wan village are small and medium-sized . Although most of the tombs have been damaged in different degrees , the graves are clear , and a certain number of funerary objections are unearthed .

  4. 结合韩家站Ⅰ号特大桥的工程实例,介绍了其工程概况,详细阐述了施工工艺,分析探讨了大体积混凝土的施工关键和机理,以供其他大体积混凝土参考借鉴。

    Combined with the number ⅰ special big bridge project , it introduces the project general situation , represents the construction technology in detail , analyzes and discusses the construction key component and mechanism of mass concrete . This will provides reference for the same projects .

  5. 本文主要从韩国禅家灯录、禅师与文人的诗歌创作等方面,探讨了寒山诗在韩国的影响。

    His influence in South Korea was evident from Korean Chan biographies , Chan master and literati 's poems compositions .

  6. 至公元前453年,赵、韩、魏三家又联合起来,消灭了知氏,晋国的政权就控制在这三家手中,晋国的绝大部分土地也在他们的控制之下。

    In 453 B. C. , Zhao , Wei and Han divided Zhi among them . The political power and the Lands were then set for the three remaining families to divide whenever they liked .