
  1. 韩国有可能包揽射箭项目的四枚金牌,韩联社(YonhapNewsAgency)的王天智(Tin-jiWang,音)说。

    In archery , South Korea might win all fourgolds on offer , said Tin-ji Wang of the Yonhap News Agency .

  2. 韩国有两家美容巨头,一家是爱茉莉,其地位相当于韩国的雅诗兰黛,它的品牌包括兰芝、亦博和雪花秀;另一家是LG,旗下品牌包括SUM37和马上将推出的belif。

    The two major Korean beauty powerhouses areAMOREPACIFIC ( think of it as the Est é e Lauder of Korea ) and its brands include LANEIGE , Iope and Sulwhasoo , while LG has SUM 37 and the soon-to-be-launched belif .

  3. 韩国有着深厚的儒家文化底蕴。

    The Repubic of Korea has the Confucian culture details profoundly .

  4. 韩国有三所一流大学排名下降。

    And three of South Korea 's leading universities have declined .

  5. 他是韩国有史以来的第17任总统。

    He is now the17th president in South Korea 's history .

  6. 在韩国有很多玩家找你签名吗?

    Many fans ask for your signature all day in korean ?

  7. 平壤方面已经警告,如果美国和韩国有进一步的挑衅举动,他们将再次发动袭击。

    Pyongyang has threatened additional attacks if there are further provocations .

  8. 玮柏似乎和韩国有着密切的关系。

    Wilber seems to have a deep connection with Korea .

  9. 看成人版的星际真好(韩国有分级的儿童版?)

    It 's very nice to watch adult version games .

  10. 该公司曾经只在本土韩国有较大影响⑤。

    It was once a big dog only in its native South Korea .

  11. 韩国有三个顶级老千。

    There are3 top high rollers in korea .

  12. 实际上中国与日本和韩国有常年的大幅贸易赤字。

    In fact China runs perennial large trade deficits with Japan and South Korea .

  13. 别担心,我在韩国有驾照的,不是生手。

    Don 't worry . I have license in Korea , I 'm not green .

  14. 首尔方面称,韩国有充分的证据证明是朝鲜击沉的“天安号”。

    Seoul says it has overwhelming evidence to show that North Korea sank the Cheonan .

  15. 但在亚洲,只有日本和韩国有点接近这一模式。

    But in Asia , only Japan and South Korea come anywhere close to that model .

  16. 俄罗斯有伏特加,韩国有烧酒,日本有清酒,而中国有白酒。

    Russia has vodka , Korea soju , Japan sake , and China - baijiu ( bye-joh ) .

  17. 例如,韩国有70%的制成品出口到新兴市场。

    South Korea , for example , sells 70 per cent of its finished goods to emerging markets .

  18. 在过去的五年中,世界工业化的国家中韩国有着最高的自杀率。

    Korea has had the highest rate of suicide among the world 's industrialized countries for the past five years .

  19. 郑烨认为如果韩国有格兰美大奖的话,很多音乐家的作品会被授予奖项。

    JY thinks that if they have Korean Grammy Award , many musicians will be awarded for their music work .

  20. 韩国有一种越来越强烈的感觉,即朝鲜可能正在努力冲过核终点。

    The growing feeling in Seoul is that North Korea may be trying to dash across the nuclear finishing line .

  21. 这款手机目前售价为550美元,当前只在韩国有售。

    Now this costs you $ 550 , it 's a service that is available only in Seoul for now .

  22. 中国与其邻国韩国有着悠久的政治、经济和文化历史渊源。

    China has a very long-standing political , economic and cultural and historical origin with the neighboring country of South Korea .

  23. 中韩自建交以来经贸合作获得了长足发展,青岛作为中国对外贸易的前沿城市,与韩国有着较密切的贸易关系。

    The economic and trade cooperation has achieved great development between China and South Korea since the establishment of diplomatic relations .

  24. 这有助于解释我们为什么同澳大利亚、日本和韩国有如此良好的伙伴关系。

    That helps explain why our partnerships with Australia , Japan and the Republic of Korea are in such good shape .

  25. 北韩国有媒体唯一提到他的消息就是他的任命,而且没有提及他的背景。

    The only state media references to him , so far , are about his appointments without noting who he is .

  26. 韩国有许多企业在中国拥有生产设施,这些企业将获益于人民币走低。

    In South Korea , many companies have production centres in China , so they stand to profit from a weaker renminbi .

  27. 我在首尔的日子让我懂了为什么韩国有世界上最高的整形手术人均比率。

    My day in Seoul helps me understand why South Korea has the highest per capita rate of plastic surgery in the world .

  28. 中国与其近邻日本和韩国有着极为悠久的农业经贸交流历史。

    China shares a long history of agricultural economic and trade exchange with its neighboring countries-Japan and Korea ( J & K ) .

  29. 较几年以前相比,现在韩国有更多的初中生愿意学习汉语。

    Compared with several years ago , nowadays the number of junior middle school students who are willing to learn Chinese has increased .

  30. 中国是数千年以来在政治、经济、文化等方面与韩国有着密切关系的友好邻邦。

    China has been having a close relationship with South Korea in political , economic , cultural and other fields for thousands of years .