
fēi yì shì
  • nonconscious
非意识[fēi yì shì]
  1. 第一,视觉是意识的和心智的,它使人同非意识的和非理性的宇宙分离。

    First , sight , which is conscious and mental , alienates them from the universe , which for Lawrence is unconscious and irrational .

  2. 启动效应是指人类记忆的一种非意识模式,它与通过不断重复形成的对词汇或其他事物的感性、语义和概念的识别相关。

    Priming is a non-conscious form of human memory that is concerned with the perceptual , semantic or conceptual identification of words and objects through repetition .

  3. 移动设备持续不断的蜂鸣声让我们的周围神经一直保持亢奋,以至于无法注意到安静的、非意识的大脑更加能够解决日常生活的问题(或是真正的大问题)。

    The incessant beeping of mobile devices raises our ambient neural activity too high to notice the quieter , non-conscious brain providing a solution to everyday ( or really big ) problems .

  4. 人的存在是意识的还是非意识的,理性的还是非理性的,与世界是对立还是统一的?劳伦斯在《恋女》中表现了对这些问题的深切的关注。

    Is human existence conscious or unconscious , rational or irrational , in opposition to reality or in unity with it ? Lawrence is deeply concerned with these questions in Women in Love .

  5. 浅议高校学生中的非主流意识现象及其对策

    On the Non-main-current Phenomena of College Students and Countermeasures

  6. 受利润驱使,这些金融机构信贷投向的非农化意识强烈。

    Driven by profit , these financial institutions preferred to loan to non-agricultural sectors .

  7. 在现象性人类意识、本体性人类意识和非人类意识三个概念之中,对于人类而言最有现实意义的是现象性人类意识。

    Among the three concepts of phenomenological human-consciousness , ontological human-consciousness and non-human consciousness .

  8. 中国农民非传统意识的萌芽及其文化环境变迁

    On the Bud and the Change of Cultural Environment of Non-traditional Sense of Chinese Peasants

  9. 同时开辟高端的非主流意识和街头文化,大胆开创和引领漫都新意识流。

    Meanwhile , we create high non-mainstream sense and street culture and bravely lead new stream of consciousness .

  10. 戏仿叙述通过文体风格、语言形式的异质性形成反讽,深入展现人物内心世界扭曲异化的非理性意识活动。

    Parodic narration employs the heterogeneity and irony of style and language forms to delineate the alienated and irrational consciousness of the characters .

  11. 保罗,你真的得定下来有意识地存在天国中,而非无意识地。

    Paul , you are truly going to have to be ready to exist in the kingdom of heaven consciously rather than unconsciously .

  12. 它从对信仰物的膜拜活动中诞生,逐渐实现了从非审美意识到审美意识的转化。

    The physical adornments were born in the action of worshiping religious objects , and gradually realized transformations from aesthetic unconsciousness to aesthetic consciousness .

  13. 作为存在主义美学的代表人物,萨特继承了笛卡尔的我思传统和胡塞尔的现象学方法,把自己的理论建立在非反思意识的基础上。

    Sartre , an important representative of existentialism aesthetics , inherited the tradition cogito of Descarte and phenomenology of Husserl , established his theory on pre-reflective consciousness .

  14. 在广义超元论的视野范围内,与人类意识相关的概念有三个:现象性人类意识、本体性人类意识和非人类意识。

    In the view range of Generalized Transcendent Theory , there exist three concepts related to human consciousness : phenomenological human-consciousness , ontological human consciousness and non-human consciousness .

  15. 可见,张扬个体生命的非理性意识,渲染社会人生的悲剧性色彩和探索宇宙万物的形而上意义,也就成了现代西方人心灵处境和审美理念的基本特征。

    Obviously , makes widely known the individual life non - rational consciousness , exaggerates the social life the tragic color and the exploration cosmic inventory metaphysical significance , also has become the modern westerner mind situation and the esthetic idea basic characteristic .

  16. 因特网的使用给高校思想政治工作提供了新的载体和渠道,带来了新的发展机遇,同时也为非主流意识打开了方便之门,对青年学生的思想行为造成诸多负面影响。

    The application of Internet has not only supplied new approaches to the ideological and political task at college , brought new developing opportunities , but also opened an easy door for the non - dominant thoughts , causing various negative effects to the youngsters ' concepts and behaviors .

  17. 结果:血栓组和非血栓组意识状态、出血部位分别进行X~2检验,P>0.05,无显著性差异。对出血量进行X~2检验,≤30ml组P>O。

    Results : To check X2 test for consciousness , the location of cerebral hemorrhage for thrombus group and non-thrombus group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 结果就是,数目不断增加的个体们将进入非理性的意识状态。

    And as a result , increasing numbers of individuals will enter irrational states of consciousness .

  19. 寻根究底,两者都是理性与非理性、意识与无意识的完美结合。

    On the earth , both of these two theories are a perfect combination of rationality and irrationality , consciousness and unconsciousness .

  20. “精神”致力于发现这些异化了的阶段,从而产生驱使其走向绝对统一的运动,从而产生非异化的意识。

    ' spirit'seeks to recover these alienated moments thus creating the movement which drives it towards total unity and thus a non-alienated consciousness .

  21. 作品体现了理性与非理性、意识与潜意识的不和谐对立,是艺术家内心幻象与外部世界体验的结合。

    Their works embodied an antinomy of rationality and irrationality , consciousness and sub-consciousness , which is a mixing of the artists ' inner illusions and outer world experiences .

  22. 知识分子意识是知识分子对自己角色、使命、价值追求和生存方式的自我意识,主要有理性批判意识、社会参与意识、非专业化意识。

    The intellectual ′ s consciousness which include critical consciousness , participatory consciousness and unspecialized consciousness is self-consciousness about the role , the mission , the valuable pursuit and the way of living .

  23. 以及网络消费对职业女性生活方式产生消极影响的原因分析,个人层面有非理性消费意识的影响、性别意识不足的影响和消费安全意识不足的影响。

    And network consumption on professional women lifestyle causes a negative impact analysis , the individual level there is awareness of the impact of irrational consumption , lack of gender awareness and lack of awareness of consumer safety .

  24. 不需要在性别研究领域取得多高的学历就能意识到,虽然数百万人已经通过这种方法得到很好的效果,但对那些其最大的问题是自我意识太强而非缺乏自我意识的女性来说,这种方法并不完全适用。

    It doesn 't take an advanced degree in gender studies to realize that this approach ─ which has worked well for millions of people ─ may not be perfect for women whose biggest problem is not an excess of ego but a lack of it .

  25. 在Terra这个造物中的一切,事实上是关于以一种非语言且非意识的方式,体验一种建立在音乐上的存在的。

    Everything in this creation related to Terra is really about experiencing existence founded upon music and in a non-verbal and non-conscious format .

  26. 这就造成了象Terra一样的造物们,它们是非语言、非意识而本质是音乐的,但没有足够觉知来了解如何回家到源自的地方。

    This lead to creations like Terra that are nonverbal and non-conscious and musical in nature , but without enough awareness to know how to go " home " to where they were spawned ;

  27. 他的创作究竟是自觉的意识活动还是非自觉的无意识活动?

    Was his creation a conscious activity or an unconscious one ?

  28. T·S·艾略特的非个性化及秩序意识

    T.S.Eliot : De-personalization and the Sense of Order

  29. 俄罗斯民族的地缘情结&一种欧洲的意识和非欧洲的无意识

    " Geographical Complex " of Russia as a Nation & European Awareness and Non - European Unconsciousness

  30. 它既是非理性的无意识活动,更是理性的意识活动;

    It is an irrational and unconscious activity , even more , a rational and conscious one ;