
  • 网络Jingning County
  1. 该区的静宁县、正宁县为旱灾的频发区。

    In the area , Jingning County and Zhengning County are the drought-prone areas for the frequency .

  2. 但细辨史料,考镜源流,正确的结论应该是:德顺军址先在宁夏隆德县,后迁甘肃静宁县。

    The paper holds that Deshunjun was first in Longde County , Ningxia , then moved to Jingning , Gansu .

  3. 基于遥感和GIS的黄土丘陵区土壤侵蚀变化监测分析&以静宁县水保世行贷款二期项目区为例

    Monitoring and analysis for soil erosion on Loess Hilly regions using GIS and RS & A case study of loess plateau Jingning project area

  4. 现为静宁县重点文物保护建筑物之一,又是全县城穆斯林宗教活动的主要场所。

    Jingning County is now one of the focus of heritage buildings and is the county seat of Muslim places of religious activities .

  5. 作为经营货币的金融机构,静宁县农村信用社同其他的商业性银行一样,信贷风险的管理控制一直是静宁县农村信用社经营管理中的重点。

    As financial institutions operating money , Jingning rural credit cooperatives and commercial banks elsewhere , management control of credit risk has been the focus of the management of rural credit cooperatives in Jingning county .