
liànɡ nǚ
  • pretty girl;looker
靓女 [liàng nǚ]
  • [beautiful woman(usu.young ones)]〈方〉∶漂亮的女子(多指年轻的)

  1. 你喜欢什么样的帅哥和靓女呢?

    What do you like the handsome boy and pretty girl ?

  2. 排队买票时,后面跟着一个靓女。

    When queued for tickets , a pretty girl was behind me .

  3. 走在大街上,你对一靓女一步三回头,那就是她“catchyoureye”,也就是她吸引了你的注意力。

    If someone catches your eye , that means that they have attracted your attention .

  4. 昨晚这有不少靓女出来晃悠吗?

    Were there a lot of hot girls out last night ?

  5. 靓女们喜欢这种香气高雅的香皂。

    Ladies like this kind of scented soap with elegant smell .

  6. 今晚肯定给你介绍一个靓女。

    And I will get you a perfect girl tonight .

  7. 靓女,这件衣服多少钱?

    Pretty girl , how much is the dress ?

  8. 我只知道里面肯定有很多俊男靓女。

    I only know a lot of handsome young and beautiful women in it .

  9. 他们的地点在迈阿密,满街都是靓仔靓女,波涛汹涌。

    They work in Miami , where hot girls and hot guys fill the streets .

  10. 但我见到好多靓女,不过佢地唔拣咋嘛。

    I saw many good and pretty girls there but they didn 't choose jama .

  11. 在每一部电视剧里,都有帅哥靓女,他们做着令人惊喜的事情,经历着伟大的冒险之旅。

    It 's filled with beautiful people doing amazing things and having great adventures every show .

  12. 靓女经济有多靓?

    How brisk pretty-girl economy is ?

  13. 究竟这一趋势能否感染英国的俊男靓女,再次掀起网络晒发型热潮,让我们拭目以待。

    It remains to be seen if it 's something that UK posters will adopt online .

  14. 这种飘逸的丝巾,使靓女更显动人可爱。

    The elegant silk scarf of this kind makes the young ladies appear more attractive and lovely .

  15. 一个靓女到考场报到参加大学期未考试。试题全部为是非选择题。

    A beautiful girl reported fro her University final examination that consists of Y / N type questions .

  16. 瞧,我们从年刊上剪下靓女图案,然后我们加以评述

    See , we cut out girls ' pictures from the yearbook , and then we wrote comments .

  17. 据一家只面向“俊男靓女”的交友网站称,英国人的长相处于世界较逊行列。

    A dating site just facing to the beutiful people say that the apperance of Englishemen rank the worse lists .

  18. 萝莉夏季时装,新潮新款,是靓女们的明智选择。

    Rowley summer dress , in new style and new fashion , is the wise choice of the pretty girls .

  19. 明智地投资,那么在你的生活里也会出现帅哥靓女,他们做着令人惊喜的事情,经历着伟大的冒险之旅。

    Invest wisely and your life will actually be filled with truly beautiful people doing amazing things and having great adventures .

  20. 这就像电影中俊男靓女终成眷属,他们从此幸福地生活在一起。

    It was just like the movies where the nice guy gets the beautiful girl and they live happily ever after .

  21. 这种香皂起泡很多,并且有好几种香味。靓女们喜欢这种香气高雅的香皂。

    This toilet soap lathers so nicely and has several fragrances . Ladies like this kind of scented soap with elegant smell .

  22. 我唔介意你望靓女,介意噶系你有笋野睇都唔同我讲。

    I dont mind you stare at beautiful girl , but I mind you dont tell me there is a beautiful girl .

  23. 唱歌跳舞,喝酒玩乐,和帅哥靓女厮守,是国民幸福吗?

    Are singing , dancing , drinking alcohol , joking , staying with handsome and pretty men and women , boys and girls national happiness .

  24. 他正向一个靓女大献殷勤,老婆过来了。靓女们喜欢这种香气高雅的香皂。

    He was pouring it on that beautiful girl when his wife came over . Ladies like this kind of scented soap with elegant smell .

  25. 通过“美女”与“靓女”的比较,发现后者的虚化泛化程度比较高,已经具备面称的资格。

    Comparing Mein ü and Liangn ü, we found that the latter has been delexicalized and more generalized so as to qualify for an address form .

  26. 题材分为都市靓女、都市化进程中的乡土美女、当代女兵形象、带有时尚因素的古代仕女和少数民族姑娘。

    Subjects were divided into urban beauties , urbanization in the process of local beauty , women soldiers , the ancient ladies with fashion elements and minority girls .

  27. 挂断电话之后,我便和先生开起玩笑来,问他有这么漂亮的一位靓女陪伴,为什么不继续坐在那里呢?

    After I hung up , I started to joke at my husband and asked why he didn 't stayed there with the company of such beautiful belle .

  28. 他还来不及了解一切,就带着乐器和对那些靓女、歌谣及其快乐时光的追思,踏上了归途。

    Before he knew it he was on his way home , with the instrument , and thoughts of the beautiful women , their songs and the great time he had .

  29. 《致我们终将逝去的青春》拥有一切青春题材的流行电影应该具备的元素:养眼的俊男靓女;丰富多彩的校园生活;错综复杂的感情;强烈的怀旧色彩。

    So Young has everything a popular youth film should have : Beautiful young actors , a story about colorful campus life and intricate romance , and a strong sense of nostalgia .

  30. 当看到郑元畅,李多海和李易峰这些名字同时出现在一部剧集里,你或许会认为这又是一部俊男靓女云集的爱情剧罢了。

    If names like Joe Cheng , Lee Da-hae and Li Yifeng were put together in a series , you would think it was just another romantic TV series with pretty faces .
