
  • The Frog Prince;Prince Charming;The Princess and the Frog
  1. 也许男人以为女人都看过《青蛙王子》的故事并铭记在心,于是我们女人可以追寻男人的内在美而忽略男人的丑陋外表。

    Maybe men think women have all read The Frog Prince and taken it to heart , allowing us to look past an ugly exterior in the search for inner beauty .

  2. 青蛙王子的故事来源于德国,但是广泛流传于西方国家。

    The story of the Frog Prince was originally German , but has spread throughout the West .

  3. 目前,青蛙王子在香港的股价较Glaucus发布报告前下跌了60%。

    The Hong Kong-listed shares are now trading 60 % below their level prior to the Glaucus report .

  4. 那你就着实是个傻瓜,青蛙王子。

    Then you truly are a fool , Prince Frog .

  5. 《青蛙王子》不容错过的时尚炫风

    The Fashion Wind of ' Frog prince '

  6. 这些小生物可不像青蛙王子,不会因为一个吻就发生改变。

    Unlike certain frog-princes , those critters were less prone to change because of a mere kiss .

  7. 她给他们讲了现在很有名的童话故事:“白雪公主和七个小矮人”以及“青蛙王子”。

    She told them the now-famous fairy tales of " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " and " the Frog Prince " .

  8. “视觉线索解读”的理念由RichardBandler和JohnGrinder在他们的著作《青蛙变王子:神经语言学编程》中首次提出。以下是他们在实验中总结出的一些原理:

    The first time " Visual Accessing Cues " were discussed was by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in their book " Frogs into Princes : Neuro Linguistic Programming " From their experiments this is what they found .

  9. 真命天女会让青蛙变王子。

    The right woman can make a frog turn into a prince .

  10. 变成。这里是指他们夫妻俩随时都可能添宝宝真命天女会让青蛙变王子。

    turn into The right woman can make a frog turn into a prince .

  11. 变青蛙为王子。

    Into a handsome prince .

  12. 你认为这只青蛙可以变成王子吗?

    Do you think this frog can turn into a prince ?

  13. 阿曼达:我发现了一块完美宝石。青蛙变成了王子。

    A : I am discovered a whole gem . A frog was turned into a prince .

  14. 当青蛙变成了王子,公主变成了灰姑娘,一夜之间,地球旋转,世界被颠倒了过来,天使开了一个小小的玩笑。

    When frog became prince , princess became Cinderella , among a night , the earth go round and round , the world be overturned , angel had a small joke .