
qīng zhuān
  • Blue brick;black brick
青砖[qīng zhuān]
  1. 体外实验证明,青砖茶具有抑制LPS活性的作用。

    In vitro experiments show that dark brick tea can inhibit LPS .

  2. 根据观察指标,结果表明:(1)青砖茶对实验大鼠血清和肝组织匀浆TC、TG水平有明显的降低作用,对其HDL-C水平有明显的升高作用。

    Based on the observed indicators , results showed that : ( 1 ) Dark brick tea on rats serum and liver homogenate of TC , TG significantly reduced the level of effect , on HDL-C significantly increased the level of the role .

  3. 提示青砖茶通过抗氧化和减脂达到减肥的作用。(4)青砖茶对实验大鼠血清LPL、HL活性有升高作用,对其LPS活性有降低作用。

    Prompted dark brick tea had the adoption of antioxidant to achieve anti-obesity and the role of dietary fat reduction . ( 4 ) Dark brick tea on rats serum LPL , HL activity increased role , in its activity to reduce the role of LPS .

  4. 仿古建筑青砖外墙外观修缮技术

    The Outer Brick Wall Remedying Technology in Ancient Style Building

  5. 来这里旅游,每一块青砖碧瓦都能引领您走进历史长河;

    Being here for tourism is as if you walked into history .

  6. 楼用青砖青瓦和本村大寺拆下的木料建成。

    House with brick gray tiles and the village built of wood removed Odera .

  7. 青砖与西式餐桌椅之间的对话其实是深入的。

    The dialog between blue bricks and Western-style eat desk and chair is thorough actually .

  8. 你看这些青砖。

    Look at these gray bricks .

  9. 青砖茶对实验大鼠的减肥和调节血脂作用及其机制研究

    Studies on Anti-Obesity , Blood Lipid Regulation Effects and Mechanisms of Dark Brick Tea on Rats

  10. 判定青砖茶对实验大鼠具有减肥功能,减肥效果具有剂量依赖关系,10年青砖茶的减肥效果优于1年青砖茶。

    Found dark brick tea on rats with a anti-obesity function , anti-obesity in a dose-dependent relationship .

  11. 进了二门,就见一面青砖影壁出现在面前。

    After going through the inner gate , I saw a black screen wall in front of me .

  12. 他随手拣来一块青砖,蹲在地上哗啦哗啦地磨了起来。

    He picked up a brick at random , squatted on his heels and began to grind it noisily .

  13. 正是出于这种思考,当年设计潘天寿纪念馆时,是以潘老生活过的青砖小楼为原型而延伸出来。

    We have built Pan Tianshou 's residence into a memorial house with the same old facade of grey bricks .

  14. 寺庙为全青砖大石结构,高有二十几米,庄严肃穆,苍老而完美。

    Brick stone for the whole structure of the temple , there are20 meters high , solemn , hoarse and perfect .

  15. 结论在我们测定的建材中γ外照射量率的顺序为灰渣砖>红砖>青砖,装修材料中花岗岩γ辐射最强,大理石最低。室内γ外照射量率主要来自辐射最强的建材或装饰材料。

    Conclusion The indoors exteral gamma radioactive dose rate mainly comes from the building or decorating materials involving highest radioactive level .

  16. 我国传统民居通常都使用青砖,惟有闽南形成一片独特的红砖文化区。

    While dark brick is usually used for traditional local-style dwellings in China , there is a unique culture area in South Fujian .

  17. 北京的四合院朴素、实用,色彩以灰色屋顶和青砖为主。

    Beijing 's courtyard house , whose color gives first place to the grey roof and black bricks , is simple and pragmatic .

  18. 蒙古族喝的咸奶茶,用的多为青砖茶或黑砖茶,煮茶的器具是铁锅。

    The salty tea with milk uses green or black brick tea as its main material and an iron pot as the cooker .

  19. 今天,新建的中国美术学院,又是根据潘天寿纪念馆的青砖石柱的基调阔展而来。

    China 's Academy of Fine Arts also retained this building tradition , as its new facilities all assume the familiar tone of grey bricks and stone pillars .

  20. 百年古井,古树,青砖飞檐,古色古香的榻榻米床,终于回到历史的家。

    The century-old ancient well , ancient tree , the blue brick flies in the eaves , antique tatami bed , got back to home of history at last .

  21. 仅存的古屋以夯土、青砖、青瓦和杉木建造而成,富有中国南方传统乡村建筑特色。

    This remaining old house , built with rammed earth , green bricks , green tiles and timber , is a fine example of traditional southern Chinese village architecture .

  22. 在陈诚公馆原址搬迁时留下的部分青砖黛瓦应用巴渝特色形式进行墙面的重塑、地面的铺装,将历史留存其中;

    We use the bricks in the left part of the site of removal Chencheng club in wall remodeling characteristic and paving the ground , which will be retained history ;

  23. 青砖以其传统、自然、亲切的特征于此扮演着重要角色,它的魅力值得今天的建筑师去挖掘和丰富。

    The blue brick is playing an important role herein with its traditional , natural , cordial characteristic and its glamour is worth the architect of today to excavate and abundant .

  24. 户外沙发后是一面青砖墙,是用普通砖砌好后再在表面贴上青砖片而成。

    Wall of one side blue bricks is after outdoors sofa , it is to use common brick to green brickbat is affixed in the surface again after step is good and be become .

  25. 福寿寺是由青砖瓦建成的。原料品质:大叶种茶青是制作普洱茶的最佳原料。

    The Temple of Happiness and Longevity is made of grey bricks and iron tiles . Quality of raw materials : the tea leaves from plants with big leaves are the best material for Pu-erh tea .

  26. 特别是关里与江南的院墙,堵得严严的,即使是寻常百姓家也要在自家住宅的四周打一面高过人头的土墙,或用青砖垒一圈砖墙。

    Especially related with the southern wall , a block of the compacting , even the common people in their own homes have to beat around the residential side of the head higher than the walls , or green-brick wall around first base .

  27. 研究了玄武岩和浅海沉积物发育的砖红壤磷的有效性及其与土壤化学元素关系,结果表明:浅海沉积物发青砖红壤磷的有效性显著高于玄武岩发青砖红壤;

    Phosphorus availabilities in latosols derived from basalt and shallow-sea deposit and their relationship to soil chemical elements were studied in this paper . Results show that P availability in latosol derived from shallow-sea deposit is higher than that in latosol derived from basalt .

  28. 大类有椅凳类、桌案类、床榻类、柜架类、屏风类以及观赏类家具。百年古井,古树,青砖飞檐,古色古香的榻榻米床,终于回到历史的家。

    The main ones are chairs , stools , desks , beds , cupboards and screens . The century-old ancient well , ancient tree , the blue brick flies in the eaves , antique tatami bed , got back to home of history at last .

  29. 明清两代修建北京皇宫各大殿和紫禁城城墙,以及皇家陵寝所用大青砖,绝大部分是山东临清州烧造。

    In the construction of the palaces and walls of the imperial cities of Beijing in the Ming and Qing dynasties , as well as in the building of imperial structures at the royal tombs , the bricks used were mostly fired in Linqing , Shandong province .

  30. 选择了两个村落,针对石建筑、木建筑、土建筑、青砖建筑,红砖建筑,在相同时段内,进行了温度测量,每次测量的时间大致为一个星期。

    Choose two villages , direct against the stone material building , wooden building , immature soil architecture , blue brick building , the red brick building , within the same period , carried on temperature survey . The time to measure each site is roughly one week .