
  1. 前纽约尼克斯队古怪球星马布里自2010年以来在CBA就一直很成功,他也因此书写了篮球史上一次伟大的在职业生涯中二次焕发青春的故事。

    Marbury , an eccentric former New York Knick , has been tearing up the CBA since 2010 in one of basketball 's great career resurrection stories .

  2. 在这里,他以物哀之笔,饱蘸伊豆风情写下了一个凄婉含蓄而又朦朦胧胧的青春爱情故事,其间无不渗透着日本古典的审美意蕴。

    Here with the tongue of sadness to creatures , he writes a tragic , hazy love story , which penetrates classical Japanese aesthetic implication .

  3. 你有没有听说过美国翻拍版的《流星花园》?这部讲述一个平凡女孩和四个高富帅的青春偶像故事在全世界范围内至少被翻拍过四次。

    Have you heard about the American remake of Boys Over Flowers ? The story of a middle-class girl and four wealthy , handsome bullies has been made into at least four TV shows around the world .

  4. 这本书讲述了一个有关青春和勇气的故事。

    The book tells a story of youth with great courage .

  5. 青春的痛苦悲伤固然雷同,可是青春的故事却各不相同。

    The pain of the youth is identical sorrow , but the story of the youth are different .