
  • 网络Zero-knowledge proof;zero knowledge proof;ZKP
  1. DSA数字签名的零知识证明

    A Zero-Knowledge Proof Scheme of Possessing a DSA Digital Signature

  2. 提出了一种拥有RSA数字签名的零知识证明方案。

    Zero-knowledge proof schemes of possessing a RSA digital signature are proposed .

  3. 基于零知识证明的XML数字签名方案

    XML Digital Signature Scheme Based on Zero Knowledge Proof

  4. 破译RSA能力的零知识证明的改进方案

    Improving Solution to Zero-knowledge Proving of Decoding RSA Capability

  5. 基于椭圆曲线的零知识证明方法对Kerberos系统的改进

    Improvement of A Zero Knowledge Password Authentication Based on Ellipse Curve on Kerberos System

  6. 本文构造了基于椭圆曲线加密体制的零知识证明和Brands限制性盲签名方案,应用于本文构造的基于椭圆曲线加密体制的电子支付系统。

    The dissertation constructs zero-knowledge proof and Brands ' restrictive blind signature based on elliptic curve cryptosystem , and then applies these schems to electronic payment system based on elliptic curve cryptosystem .

  7. 现在已有一些密码学协议基于UC框架进行设计,并证明其安全性:如加密、数字签名、零知识证明等。

    Now there have been some cryptography protocol designed in UC framework and proved its security : such as encryption , digital signatures , zero-knowledge proof .

  8. 同时基于椭圆曲线上的零知识证明可以用比RSA短得多的密钥,达到与RSA同等级别的安全性。

    At the same time , same security level as RSA has can be achieved by ellipse curve-based zero knowledge proof with the key much shorter in length than that of RSA .

  9. 该方案给出了防止DSA数字签名任意传播的一种新方法&签名者不直接提供对信息M的签名,而是提供拥有该信息的数字签名的一个零知识证明。

    In the scheme the prover has not to give directly the DSA signature of a message , but to give a zero-knowledge proof of possessing a DSA digital signature of the message .

  10. 基于不可否认签名和可证实签名的思想,提出了一种拥有DSA数字签名的零知识证明新方案。

    Based on the ideas of undeniable digital signature and confirmer digital signature , a new zero-knowledge proof scheme of possessing a DSA digital signature is proposed which can be used to prevent the arbitrary distribution of digital signature .

  11. 本文主要通过使用密码学中一些基本常用工具(数字签名、Hash函数、秘密共享和零知识证明等)对安全电子拍卖进行系统的研究和设计。

    In this thesis , through the use of some basic cryptography tools ( digital signature , Hash function , secret sharing and zero-knowledge proof , and so on ), the systemic research and design of secure electronic auction is carried out .

  12. 该方案把用身份标识产生的数字水印信息编码后嵌入到混淆的勒让德符号构造的不透明谓词中,将有水印的不透明谓词作为Java程序的线程来混淆Java程序,用零知识证明验证水印信息。

    It uses identity to create the watermarks , which are embedded into the opaque predicates after they are encoded . The Java program is obfuscated by taking the opaque predicates with the watermarks as the threads of the Java program , and the watermark is verified by zero-knowledge proof .

  13. 利用Harn数字签名方案,结合零知识证明的思想,提出了一种基于数字签名方案的安全认证存取控制方案。

    A secure authentication access control scheme based on digital signature is proposed , combining Harn digital signature scheme and the thought of zero-knowledge proof .

  14. 提出了一个基于公钥密码和零知识证明的,非交互式的,信息论安全的PVSS方案。

    A non-interactive and information-theoretic PVSS scheme based on public cryptography and the zero-knowledge proof of knowledge were presented .

  15. 提出适合于团体和组织的门限证实数字签名方案。新方案以乘法秘密共享和RSA加密算法为基础,采用一次性零知识证明思想构建签名的证实协议和否认协议。

    Finally , A new threshold and confirmer signature scheme for group or organization is proposed by using the multiplicative secret sharing and RSA public key cryptosystem , whose confirming and denying protocols are constructed by using the idea of zero-knowledge proof .

  16. 该文提出了一种前向安全的代理签名方案,该方案基于零知识证明协议,在离散对数和二次剩余问题困难性的假设和随机oracle模型下系统是安全的。

    A new forward-secure proxy signature scheme is proposed . The scheme is proven to be forward secure based on the assumption of the logarithm , quadric remain problems in the random oracle model , Further more , security analysis of the proposed scheme is presented .

  17. 针对信息保护系统,该文基于Harn数字签名方案和零知识证明构造了一种双向认证访问控制方案。

    For information protection system , based on Harn 's digital signature scheme and zero knowledge proof , this paper presents a double way authentication access control scheme .

  18. 基于非交互式零知识证明的盲签名方案能够更好地保护签名的隐私性,但目前仍缺少高效安全的可实现方案,论文利用优化的SP签名方案,构建了一个高效安全的SP盲签名方案。

    Blind signatures based on non-interactive zero-knowledge proof can protect privacy better , but it is still lack of efficient and secure schemes which can be realized . Using the optimal SP signature scheme , we construct an efficient and secure SP blind signature scheme .

  19. Canetti等人在设计分布式密钥生成方案(DL-Key-Gen)时,关于零知识证明使用的一个错误,并给出一种改进方案。

    Then a misunderstanding about the use of zero-knowledge ( ZK ) proof in the DL-Key-Gen scheme proposed by R. Canetti etc.

  20. Schneier在参考文献[1]中提出了一种破译RSA的能力的零知识证明,该方案在零知识证明破译RSA的能力时,证明过程有些问题,并且它也不能确认是谁破译了RSA。

    S : Schneier puts forward a zero-knowledge proof which can decode RSA . But there is something wrong with the proving process when the zero-knowledge proves the capability of decoding RSA . Meanwhile it can not make clear who decodes RSA .

  21. 在经典的基于零知识证明的Fiat-Shamir认证协议的基础上,提出了一种基于模运算的新的零知识证明算法,并给出相应的协议。

    Based on the classical authentication protocol of Fiat-Shamir , a new kind of zero knowledge proof mended algorithm is established based on module operation .

  22. 基于Harn数字签名方案和零知识证明给出的这一双向认证访问控制方案的计算安全性不低于求解离散对数问题的计算复杂性。

    The proposed double way authentication access control scheme 's computation security , based upon Harn 's digital signature scheme and Zero knowledge proof , does not lower than the computation complexity of solving Discrete Logarithm Problem .

  23. 基于零知识证明的口令系统设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of the Password System Based on Zero-knowledge Proof

  24. 随机自归约的一个四步零知识证明协议

    A Four Steps Interactive Protocol of the Random Self - reducibility

  25. 椭圆曲线密码算法在零知识证明方案中的应用

    Application of Elliptic Curves Cryptosystem Methods in Zero Knowledge Proof Protocol

  26. 提出了一种基于零知识证明协议的前向安全数字签名的方案。

    The new scheme is designed according to Camenisch-Michels'confirmer signature model .

  27. 一种关于离散根问题的完美零知识证明系统

    A Perfect Zero - Knowledge Proof System for the Discrete Root Problem

  28. 基于混沌映射的交互式零知识证明身份认证协议

    An Interactive Zero-knowledge Proof Protocol of Identity Authentication Based on Chaotic Map

  29. 基于自证明公钥和零知识证明的身份认证协议

    Authentication Protocol Based on Self-certified Public Key and Zero-knowledge Proof

  30. 保密通讯中基于零知识证明的身份认证协议

    Real time communication protocol of identification based on zero-knowledge proof