
xuě xié
  • snowshoe
雪鞋[xuě xié]
  1. 这个旅游项目要进入到拉玛尔山谷观察狼群的行踪和穿上雪鞋背起行囊完成这次探险游活动。

    Trips into Lamar Valley to see wolves in action and snowshoe adventures complete the tour package .

  2. 为了在雪地上移动,因纽特人脚上穿着特制的雪鞋。

    To move over the snow , Inuit people wore special snowshoes on their feet .

  3. 但它可以像雪鞋般的撑开脚趾

    But she 's able to spread them like snow shoes .

  4. 它的蹄很大,在沙中行走时,宛如雪鞋。

    It has large hoofs that act like snowshoes in sand .

  5. 为了攀爬容易,常常会穿着雪鞋。

    They often wear snowshoes to make the ascent easier .

  6. 我的一只雪鞋绊在石头上了。

    One of my snowshoes got caught on a rock .

  7. 冬季活动项目包括玩雪橇、滑雪和穿着雪鞋雪中漫步。

    Winter activities during this season include sledding , skiing , and snowshoeing .

  8. 加拿大的雪鞋兔

    The Rainbow Rabbit The Snowshoe Hare in Canada

  9. 她在钓鱼杆后边的墙角,胡乱寻出一双夏天干透了的雪鞋。

    From a corner behind some fishing-rods she salvaged a pair of summer-dried snowshoes .

  10. 因此,最好的方法去避免这件事是不穿雪鞋了。

    So the best way to avoid this matter is do not wear snow boots any more .

  11. 她没有半点迟疑,就绑紧雪鞋走进雪里。

    Without hesitation , she strapped on a pair of snowshoes and headed out into the snow .

  12. 胫骨压力:任何时候一定要保持对雪鞋前沿的胫骨压力。

    Shin Pressure : Shin pressure should be maintained at all times on the front of the boot .

  13. 从广州市散发性脑炎病人血清中查出雪鞋野兔病毒抗体升高

    Rise of antibody in human sera against snow shoe hare virus in sporadic cases of encephalitis in Guangzhou

  14. 班夫的穷乡僻壤路径访问的沉默和无与伦比的美丽荒野世界越野滑雪和雪鞋提供了手段。

    Banff 's backcountry paths access a wilderness world of silence and matchless beauty & cross country skis and snowshoes provide the means .

  15. 由她领路,我系上一双轻质铝架的雪鞋,踉踉跄跄地开始在皑皑白雪上行进。

    Following her lead , I strapped on a pair of lightweight , aluminum-framed snowshoes and began awkwardly high-stepping on top of the packed powder .

  16. 居住在阿迪朗达克山区采取了其余来自雪鞋和等待,以期从云层覆盖的山云天首脑会议。

    A resident of the Adirondack Mountains area takes a rest from snowshoeing and waits for a view from the cloud-covered summit of Mount Skylight .

  17. 天气预报接下来天气状况依然恶劣,如果你真的下定决心一定要在圣诞期间来英国,那你一定要注意保暖,穿上雪鞋,甚至带上雪橇。

    So with more bad weather forecast , if you are absolutely determined to come to the UK over the Christmas then you ought to wrap up warm , pack your snowshoes and even bring a sledge .

  18. 树枝则被折叠后做成踏雪靴而且他们都可以非常娴熟的在雪上跑得很快,如果你有机会穿上雪鞋的话就会发现在雪上走并不是那么简单的事情。

    Branches were folded into snow shoes and the Native American people were all adept to running very fast over the snow in these birch brand snow shoes which if you ever tried walking in snow shoes you know wasn 't easy .