
  1. 陈映真早期作品的死亡意识

    The Death Consciousness in the Early Works of Chen Ying-zhen

  2. 陈映真的现代性思考与现代台湾

    Chen Ying-zhen 's Modernity and Modern Taiwan Society

  3. 陈映真的艺术特质在根本上是在中国文学传统的基础上对西方文学精神和技巧的融汇。

    Chen Ying-zhen 's artistic properties are the blending of Sino-Western literature spirit and techniques .

  4. 本章着重从三个方面论述陈映真的人的价值理想观。

    This chapter deals with Chen 's viewpoint of ideals and values about human nature in three aspects .

  5. 华盛顿大楼系列小说显示了陈映真迥异于其他乡土派作家的创作姿态。

    His fiction series Washington Building reflects his attitude towards Creation that differs from other rural literature writers .

  6. 陈映真是当代台湾文坛的知名作家,也是在世界华文文学界有一定影响的作家。

    Chen-ying-zhen is a famous writer in contemporary Taiwan literary world , and also an influential writer in the worldwide Chinese literary world .

  7. 陈映真童年生活的时代正是整个中华民族灾难深重的时期,童年生活的动荡使他形成了一种对爱的实现、人性的复归、人的道德完美等神圣价值追求的理念。

    His turbulent childhood leads him in the pursuit of the realization of love , the restoration of human nature , the perfection of human morality .

  8. 本文分别从分析作家的思想底蕴和艺术特质入手,探讨了陈映真所营构的丰富多彩的小说艺术世界。

    This essay inquires into the colorful art world of the novels that Chen has constructed by analyzing the writer 's hidden ideological implication and artistic properties .

  9. 同时,陈映真在其作品中揭示出在新的时代环境下,权力、资本、战争、贫困等对人性的扭曲和异化。

    Meanwhile , in Chen 's works , he reveals that human nature is twisted and alienated by power , capital , poverty and wars in new environments .

  10. 陈映真自称为概念先行的作家,永远坚持写什么比怎么写更重要,写作仅仅是为了有话要说。

    Called self for " concept advance " the writer , forever insisted " how writes anything to write " is more important than , the writing was merely to have the words to need to say .

  11. 从另一个侧面反映出作为社会良知的传统知识分子形象的陈映真,为坚守自己做人的价值和理想在尴尬的时代夹缝中所做的挣扎和努力。

    So reading between lines of his works , we sense that , as a man of letter with conscience , Chen struggled hard in the pursuit of his own value and ideal in the embarrassed crevice of the times .

  12. 本文通过对陈映真文学创作的相关评论进行考察分析,从小说题材、内涵、艺术三个方面对其进行了总结,指出了其中值得借鉴的一些经验,还存在的问题以及仍然需要努力的方向。

    This article reviews the criticisms , summarizes its ' characteristics from Chen 's novels theme 、 intention and art , points out its ' experience which deserves to be used for 、 shortcomings and something still need to be tried hard to do .