
  • 网络peter;Peter Chan;Peter Ho-Sun Chan
  1. 李娜曾有一个不可能实现的梦想,但她想办法把它变成了现实。我们制作(WePictures)公司负责人,中国知名导演陈可辛在一份声明中如是说。

    Li Na had an impossible dream and found a way to turn it into a reality , renowned Chinese filmmaker Peter Ho-Sun Chan head of We Pictures , said in a statement .

  2. 你是说陈可辛导演和甄子丹吗?

    T : You mean peter and Donnie ?

  3. 上周末,陈可辛的电影公司“我们制作”(WePictures)宣布,他将导演又一部中国内地主题的新电影:网球明星李娜,她是迄今唯一的一位来自亚洲的大满贯单打冠军。

    Last weekend , Mr. Chan 's We Pictures company announced that he would be directing a new film about another mainland Chinese subject : the tennis star Li Na , the only Grand Slam singles champion ever to come from Asia .

  4. 1996年的《甜蜜蜜》:张曼玉(MaggieCheung)和黎明(LeonLai)主演,陈可辛(PeterChan)导演,是一个有关内地人适应香港生活的故事。

    ' Comrades : Almost a Love Story ' ( 1996 ): Starring Maggie Cheung and Leon Lai , the Peter Chan-directed film is about mainland Chinese adapting to life in Hong Kong .

  5. 在过去四年多的时间里,陈可辛未执导过任何其他电影。

    Over the past four years or so , Chan didn 't direct any other films .

  6. 《武侠》的导演陈可辛及其妻子吴君如也参加了开幕式。

    " Swordsmen " director , Peter Chan and his wife Sandra Ng attended the opening ceremony as well .

  7. 由陈可辛导演的《武侠》是唯一一部入选戛纳电影节的中国影片。

    The'Swordsmen'directed by Peter Chan , is the only Chinese film that was selected for the Cannes Films Festival .

  8. 陈可辛的电影公司在周六声明,正在筹备的电影会以李娜的自传为基础

    Chan 's production company We Pictures said in a statement Saturday that the film will be based on Li 's autobiography

  9. 中国香港著名电影监制陈可辛正在制作一部关于中国最出名的网球明星李娜的电影

    Chinese Hong Kong filmmaker Peter Ho Sun Chan is making a movie about Li Na , the country 's biggest tennis star .

  10. 陈可辛的音乐剧《如果•爱》是去年威尼斯电影节的闭幕影片。

    Peter Chan 's musical romance " Perhaps , Love " was made as the close film of last year 's Venice Film Festival .

  11. 这部由陈可辛担任制片人、成本2300万美元的小成本影片还获得了另外五个奖项,包括最佳动作设计奖和最佳摄影奖。

    Producer Peter Chan 's US $ 23 million budget movie also picked up five other awards , including best action choreography and cinematography .

  12. 现年52岁的陈可辛出生于香港,在泰国度过了自己的青少年时期,后赴洛杉矶学习电影。

    Peter Ho-sun Chan , 52 , was born in Hong Kong , spent his teenage years in Thailand and studied film in Los Angeles .

  13. 还有一些走上红毯的明星包括近年来人气不断上升的内地女演员梁静,节目主持人、歌手,也是演员的杜海涛,还有导演陈可辛。

    Other Chinese stars gracing the red carpet included rising mainland actress Liang Jing , TV host , singer and actor Du Haitao and director Peter Chan .

  14. 今年8月,由陈可辛执导的微电影《做自己》在网上走红。

    A short film directed by Chan that was titled Be Yourself , in which Li Na played herself , went viral online in August this year .

  15. 陈可辛执导的电影《中国合伙人》成为2014年中国五大最卖座电影之一,曾创下超过9000万美元的票房纪录。

    Chan 's " American Dreams inChina " ranked amongChina 's top-five grossing films of 2014 and took more than $ 90 million at the box office .

  16. 本文从以上方面着手对陈可辛电影叙事进行系统研究,总结出其能负重若轻地让商业与艺术共舞的规律。

    This paper devotes a systematic study to the movie narrative of Peter Chan at the above aspects , and then summarizes the rule match art and commerce .

  17. 香港导演陈可辛拍摄的影片《如果爱》也被选送参加最佳外语片奖的角逐。中国大陆选送的影片是陈凯歌导演的《无极》。

    China 's Hong Kong submitted " Perhaps Love ," by director Peter Chan Ho-Sun , while its mainland 's entry is " The Promise ," by Chen Kaige .

  18. 在一次采访中,陈可辛谈了李娜、中国电影观众不断变化的嗜好、与审查者共事,以及好莱坞将从中国学到什么。

    In an interview , Mr. Chan talked about Ms. Li , the changing tastes of Chinese moviegoers , working with censors and what Hollywood will be learning from China .

  19. 在伦敦举行的香港电影周,展映了在英国首次公映的得奖电影甜蜜蜜,该片导演陈可辛也有出席电影周的盛大开幕礼。

    The HK film week in London featured the UK premiere of the award-winning film , comrades-almost a love story , with film director Peter Chan attending the gala opening .

  20. 李娜在2015年5月时透露,她正与香港杰出电影导演陈可辛合作制作这部电影,该片原定于2016年上映。

    Li revealed in May 2015 she was working with award-winning Hong Kong film director Peter Chan to produce the movie , which was initially scheduled for a 2016 release .

  21. 不管是什么样的主题,我的香港感性永远不会改变,陈可辛从香港通过电话这样说,香港是他居住的地方。

    No matter what the subject matter is , the Hong Kong sensibility in me will never change , Mr. Chan said by telephone from Hong Kong , where he lives .

  22. 陈可辛选用了一位不知名的女演员在电影中饰演李娜,并让她接受了大约两年的网球训练,来使得动作尽可能令人信服。

    Chan chose an unknown actress to play Li in the film , and has also had her practice tennis for around two years to make the action as convincing as possible .

  23. 该片上映前,这部由香港导演陈可辛和陈德森执导的新片的卖点,总能让我们想到《建国大业》。

    Before it came out , the selling point of this new film by Hong Kong directors Peter Chan and Teddy Chan , reminded us of the recent The Founding of a Republic .

  24. 中国男演员王学圻因在《十月围城》中的出色表演荣获最佳男主角奖。这部由香港导演陈可辛监制、拥有全明星演员阵容的大片将历史事件与眩目的功夫融合在一起。

    Chinese actor Wang Xueqi was awarded best actor for his role in ' Bodyguards and Assassins , ' Hong Kong director Peter Chan 's all-star blockbuster that combines historical drama with martial-arts spectacle .

  25. 为了向威尼斯电影节致敬,导演陈可辛制作了其新战争电影《投名状》的特殊片断在电影节上展示。

    To pay his tribute to the Venice Film Festival , director Peter Chan has made a special edition of his new war epic " The Warlords " to be shown during the ongoing festival .

  26. 陈可辛说:李娜有一个看似不可能实现的梦想。但是她找到了让梦想实现的途径。她打破所有规则并且定下新规,克服所有困难,最终成为了传奇。

    Chan says " Li Na had an impossible dream and found a way to turn it into reality . She broke rules and defied conventions and , against all odds , became a legend . "

  27. 陈可辛是一个极具空间意识,并注重空间表现力的导演,他的电影均达到了空间叙事的视觉艺术呈现,并由此承载着香港本土电影特有的气质。

    Chan is a great spatial awareness and focus on the space expressive director , his films have reached a narrative visual arts presentation space , and thus carries a unique temperament local film in Hong Kong .

  28. 今年,看过了太多好莱坞科幻大片和动画电影,香港导演陈可辛指导的电影《亲爱的》才正是我想看的:温暖、感人,没有丝毫矫揉造作。

    After watching too many Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters and animated films this year , Dearest , by Hong Kong director Peter Chan , is just what I needed : a warm , touching movie that 's free of any fuss .

  29. 在北上拍片和全球化电影的大背景下,陈可辛不断调整自我,探索新的空间表现形式,为香港电影注入了新的元素,也对大陆电影产生了重要影响。

    In northward filming the movie in the background and globalization , Chan constantly adjust themselves to explore new forms of space , the Hong Kong Film injected new elements , but also on the mainland movie had a major impact .

  30. 在李娜新浪微博上转发的一段采访视频中,李娜和陈可辛开玩笑称,两人“都已退役4年”。陈可辛表示,“四年里我一直在不断的改进剧本”。

    In a video interview she forwarded in her Sina Weibo , Li and Chan joked with each other , saying both of them " have retired for four years , " while Chan said " I 've been improving the script over the past four years . "