
  1. 充满着信心。”37岁的陈冬作为飞行员有着1500小时安全飞行的记录,他2010年被选为中国第二批宇航员的一员。

    With an unblemished flight record of 15 hundred hours as a pilot , 37-year-old Chen Dong was chosen in 2010 to be part of the next generation of Chinese astronauts .

  2. 50岁的景海鹏和37岁的陈冬坐在国旗下方,与媒体仅一堵透明玻璃墙之隔,看上去气定神闲,他们即将展开中国史上持续时间最长的载人飞行任务。

    Sitting under the national flag and separated from the media by a transparent glass wall , 50-year-old Jing Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong appeared calm as they prepare to be part of , what be , China 's longest-ever manned spaceflight mission .

  3. 太空飞行的经验,所以我觉得能和他一起执行这次太空任务非常幸运。”进入轨道后,景海鹏和陈冬将进行一系列实验,包括测试中国先进的生命维持系统的最新情况以及进行科学调查。

    ery lucky to him on this mission into space . " After being put into orbit , Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong are going to conduct a series of experiments , including testing the latest in China 's advanced life support systems , as well as scientific research .