
  • 网络Afar
  1. 阿法尔人的隔世生活

    Recluse Life of Afar People

  2. 在那里我们看到一匹雌驴、的驴仔和一匹雄驴,就在阿法尔牧羊人放牧绵羊和山羊的不远处吃草。

    There we found a female , her foal and a male grazing near Afar shepherds tending their sheep and goats .

  3. 而我们的祖先阿法尔南猿显然也是这样认为的。

    And our Australopithecus afarensis ancestors apparently felt the same way .

  4. 语言:法语、阿拉伯语为官方语言。伊萨族讲索马里语,阿法尔族讲阿法尔语。

    Language : french and Arabic are the official languages , although afar and Somali are widely spoken .

  5. 们能够继续存在,并维持高密度的族群,多半要归功于厄立特里亚的阿法尔牧羊人。

    They owe their continued existence and relatively high density in great part to the afar pastoralists of eritrea .

  6. 在澳大利亚昆士兰的阿法尔,出口煤到中国的前景正在刺激人们在采矿、修建铁路、甚至治安方面的投资。

    In Alpha , the prospect of selling coal to China is stimulating investment in mines , railways and probably even policing .

  7. 其特征和东非阿法尔裂谷的双峰式火山岩相近,反映陆内裂谷环境。

    Theses features are similar with the bimodal volcanic series of Alfa rift ( East Africa ) , reflecting a within-continent rift environment .