
  • 网络alcmaeon;Alcemaenidae;Alkmaion;Alcmaeon of Croton
  1. 睡眠的最早理论之一出自古希腊作家阿尔克迈翁。

    One of the first theories of sleep comes from the Greek writer Alcmaeon .

  2. 阿尔克迈翁之后过了100年,亚里士多德开始研究睡眠的问题。

    About 100 years after Alcmaeon , Aristotle also took on the question of sleep .

  3. 但是这是真的:现在我们对睡眠的研究和探索其实与阿尔克迈翁和亚里士多德差不了多少。

    Yet it 's true : We 're not all that much closer to discovering exactly why we have to sleep than Alcmaeon and Aristotle were .