
fáng kōng
  • air defense;antiaircraft;antiaircraft defence
防空 [fáng kōng]
  • [air defense;antiaircraft] 防御空袭

  • 防空警报

  • 防空导弹

防空[fáng kōng]
  1. Air(初三适用)中国海军舰载武装直升机用于舰队防空的设想

    Shipborne Armed Helicopter and Fleet Air Defense

  2. 基于Agent的网络化防空作战多传感器集成研究

    The Study on Multi-Sensor System Integration of Network Centric Air Defense based on Agent

  3. 两架战斗机被防空火力网逼退。

    The two fighters were driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire .

  4. 他们在防空洞中避难。

    They took refuge in a bomb shelter

  5. 他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机关枪奇袭了首都。

    They blitzed the capital with tanks , artillery , anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns .

  6. 防空部队开炮,击中了两架敌机。

    The anti-aircraft units opened fire and hit two of the enemy planes .

  7. 空袭期间,我们在防空洞过夜

    During the blitz we spent the night in underground shelters .

  8. Air(初三适用)现代防空体系对防空导弹的需求分析

    Requirement analysis of modern air defence system for air defence missiles

  9. Air(初三适用)防空战斗中的态势评估模型

    The Model of Situation Assessment in Anti - air Fight

  10. Air(初三适用)北约舰队防空体系分析

    Analysis of the NATO Fleet Air - Defense System

  11. STAGE在防空反导作战研究中的作用

    The Application of STAGE to the Study of Air - defense and Anti - missile Combat

  12. 基于SEA的舰载C~3I系统防空作战效能评估模型

    The Model of SEA-Based Effectiveness Analysis of Anti-Air Operation of Shipboard C ~ 3I System

  13. 基于GIS的战术级地面防空群指控系统

    C ~ 2 System of the Tactical Surface Air Defence with GIS-based

  14. 基于BP网络的群射防空火箭炮变间隔研究

    Study on Variable Firing Interval of MRLS Using BP Neural Network

  15. 数值SEA算法及其在反隐身防空系统效能分析中的应用

    Applying Numeric SEA Algorithm for the Analysis of Anti - stealth - air - defense System

  16. 具有多部跟踪雷达的防空系统抗ARM部署的研究

    Study on anti-ARM dispositions about an air force system with multi-tracking radars

  17. 某型防空导弹中分时段数字PID控制规律的仿真实现

    Simulation on A Time-Segmented Digital PID Control Principle of One Antiaircraft Missile

  18. 积分分离PID控制在某防空导弹中的应用

    Application of Integral Separated PID Control in Antiaircraft Missile

  19. 基于AGENT的防空作战CGF行为建模研究

    Research of Action Modeling of Air-Defense Combat CGF Based on Agent

  20. 自适应超宽带频率捷变防空导弹PD引信

    Self-adaptive Ultra-wideband Frequency-agile PD Fuze for Air-face Missile

  21. 基于HLA的防空群作战仿真系统设计

    Design on Simulation System of Air Defense Forces Group Operation Based on HLA

  22. 基于ABC法的防空导弹武器装备备件库存研究

    Air Defense Missile Equipments Spare Parts ' inventory Research Based on ABC Approach

  23. 基于HLA的地面防空作战模拟系统总体分析与设计

    General Analysis and Design of Ground to Air Defence Simulation System Based on HLA

  24. DEA方法在防空作战方案优选中的应用

    The Application of DEA Method in Selecting the Optimal Operation Plan for Air Defense

  25. 防空兵群火力单位机动部署的Hopfield神经网络模型研究

    Hopfield neural network model for flexible deployment of air-defense group fire unit

  26. 研究飞机携带反辐射导弹(ARM)对抗地空导弹(SAM)防空系统的作战效能。

    Operation effectiveness of aircrafts with anti radiation missiles ( ARM ) in antagonizing SAM air defense system is studied .

  27. 地面防空火力单元基于D-S理论选择反导防御手段

    The Selection of Anti-missile Defense Means of Ground Antiaircraft Firepower Unit Based on D-S Theory

  28. 运用MDO进行远程防空导弹总体方案研究

    Study on the Scheme for Long-Range Air-Defense Missile With Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

  29. 基于TOPSIS方法的海上预警机防空作战效能评估

    Evaluating the Operational Effectiveness of Early Warning Aircraft under Antiaircraft Defence at Sea Based on TOPSIS

  30. 中远程BTT防空导弹的一种修正比例导引规律

    A modified proportional guidance law for medium and long-range BTT air-defence missile