
  1. 目前这一算法已经实际应用于长江三峡通航管理局的三峡&葛洲坝水利枢纽通航调度系统中,并取得了较好的效果,得到了调度专家们的一致认可。

    At present the combinational algorithm has been put into use of the real system and obtained comparatively good effect which is recognized by the navigation scheduling experts .

  2. 通过长江三峡通航管理局对加强滚装船安全管理的探索,提出促进滚装运输健康发展的建议。

    Based on the probe on strengthening management on safety of roll - on roll - off service , the Changjiang Three - Gorges Navigation Administration Bureau gives some suggestions on promoting healthy development of roll - on roll - off service .

  3. 在改革长江三峡通航管理体制过程中,长江三峡通航管理局以其大胆改革,组建三峡河段集中领导、统一指挥的通航管理机构;

    During the reform of the management system for the Changjiang Three - Gorges , the Changjiang Three - Gorges Navigation Administration Bureau boldly reformed and formed a navigation administration organization featuring concentrated leading and united directing for the Three - Gorges reach ;