
  • 网络Nickel Wire;Ni Wire
  1. 不锈钢丝网产品介绍:材料:不锈钢丝、镍丝、黄铜丝。

    Stainless steel mesh products introduced : materials : stainless steel wire , nickel wire , yellow wire .

  2. 钛镍丝在轻度拥挤中的应用

    Application of Titanium Nickel Wire to Slight Crowding

  3. 纳米薄膜的断裂接近脆性断裂,断裂强度符合Griffith理想晶体脆断理论;纳米镍丝在断裂过程中表现出微弱塑性。

    The rupture of nano film is more like brittle fracture and accords with Griffith theory of rupture , but that of nano wire is more like tough fracture with plastic flow .

  4. 用钛镍丝唇弓唇颊向开展排齐轻度拥挤患者26例,结果:开拓间隙最少为1.0mm,最多为4.5mm,平均2.5mm,疗效良好,临床操作明显简单,值得推广应用

    Case patients of teeth slight crowding are treated by using titanium nickel wire to arch lips and cheeks for aligning the teeth . The results show that the minimum space is 1.0 mm , the maximum

  5. 镍丝表面的热辐射系数的测定

    Determination of the Surface Emissivity of Nickel in the Form of Wire

  6. 设计和加工了镀银镍丝催化室。

    A catalytic bed made of silver-plated nickel screens was designed and fabricated .

  7. 结果钛镍丝材料的矫治曲的作用力较符合临床正畸应用;

    Results Force and moment that vertical loop produce is more useful in clinic ;

  8. 它采用温度系数较大的纯镍丝作为温度敏感的采样元件,并兼作加热元件。

    Pure nickel wire with a high resistance-temperature coefficient is used both as the tem-perature sensing element and the heating element .

  9. 结果钛镍丝的变形力比不锈钢丝低1~5倍。

    It proved that the deformative force of nickel-titanium wire was about 1-5 times lower than that of the stainless steel wire .

  10. 镍丝增强缓蚀型石墨盘根,作为牺牲阳极加入的缓蚀剂可保护阀杆及填料。

    Reinforced Graphite Packing with Corrosion inhibitor Corrosion inhibitor acts as a sacrificial anode to protect the valves stem and the stuffing box .

  11. 用集氢面镀镍层作为工作电极,用纯镍丝作参比电极,镍棒为辅助电极,组成三镍电极电池。

    A three-nickel-electrode cell consisted of a nickel-plated coating on collecting hydrogen side ( as working electrode ), a pure nickel silk ( as reference electrode ) and a nickel stick ( as auxiliary electrode ) .

  12. 自由表面增加纳米材料的塑性、降低其强度,影响纳米材料的变形机制.受表面效应的作用,纳米镍丝强度与弹性模量均低于纳米镍薄膜。

    With more free surfaces , the atomic energy and stress , strength and elastic modulus of nickel wire are all lower than that of nickel film , but the plasticity of the former is higher than the latter .

  13. 模拟得到各种纳米镍丝的应力-应变曲线、屈服应变、屈服强度、断裂强度和初始弹性模量,提出了纳米金属丝快速变形力学性能的应变率效应预测公式并加以验证。

    Simulation obtains the stress-strain curve , yield strain and strength , fracture strength and initial elastic modulus of each nano-wire with different cross-section size and different strain rate . A forecasting formula on mechanical properties of nano metal affected by strain rate was put forward and verified .

  14. 应变率诱发镍纳米丝的非晶化

    Amorphization of Ni Nanowires Induced by Strain Rate

  15. 镍钛丝在前牙活髓牙体缺损修复中的应用

    The application of Ni-Ti 0.18 arch wires on the restoration of anterior teeth defect of vital teeth

  16. 结论:正畸镍钛丝在口腔环境的长期影响下,细胞毒性升高。

    Conclusion : The cytotoxicity of Nickel-Titanium alloy silk increased after long-term used in a damp oral environment .

  17. 对单晶镍纳米丝、纳米薄膜零温准静态拉伸破坏过程进行了分子动力学模拟.模拟表明表面效应对单晶纳米材料的原子运动及整体力学行为有显著影响。

    With Embedded Atom Method , the surface effects of monocrystalline nickel wire and nickel film under uniaxial tension are studied by Molecular Dynamics .

  18. 描述了上述三种功能的临床使用方法,对不锈钢丝的性能增强原理以及镍钛丝的加热过载样变形效能原理进行了探讨。

    The paper not only described the operating methods of the device , but also discussed the Performance improved principles of stainless steel orthodontic wire and the principles of heating overload metamorphism of Ni Ti orthodontic wire .

  19. 铂镍30/70复合丝材的制备

    Manufacturing of Platinum - Nickel 30 / 70 Compound Wires

  20. 镍铝复合丝和镍铝合金丝及其涂层

    Composite Ni-Al Wire and Prealloyed Ni-Al Wire and their Coatings

  21. 镍铝复合丝生产工艺研究

    Research on manufacturing process of Ni A1 composite wire

  22. 电弧喷涂镍铝合金丝材在工程上的应用

    Arc Sprayed Ni-Al Alloy Coatings and Its Engineering Applications

  23. 钦镍记忆合金丝加工成S形牵张装置。

    TiNi-SMA was processed to S shape apparatus .

  24. 主弓丝套推簧与镍钛圆丝联合应用矫治牙列拥挤

    Clinical Application of Ni-Ti Open Coil Spring with Ni-Ti Archwire Correcting Teeth ' Crowding

  25. 正畸镍钛弓丝有限元模型的动态可视化初步研究

    A Method of Dynamic Visualization in the Finite Element Model of Ni-Ti Arch Wire for Orthodontics

  26. 四种镍钛圆丝在两种模拟口腔环境中力学性能的比较研究

    The Study of Four Brands of Mechanical Properties of Ni-Ti Wires in Two Different Imitative Oral Environments

  27. 分析了两种不同的退火工艺对镍铝复合丝性能的影响。

    The influences of two different kinds of annealing processes on properties of Ni-Al composite wire were presented .

  28. 简要介绍了采用包套挤压复合制备铂镍30/70复合丝材的方法。

    A manufacturing method of making Platinum-Nickel 30 / 70 compound wires by extrusion cladding way was introduced in this paper .

  29. 临床使用时间对正畸镍钛弓丝机械性能的影响主弓丝套推簧与镍钛圆丝联合应用矫治牙列拥挤

    Time effect on the mechanical properties of orthodontic NT arch wires Clinical Application of Ni-Ti Open Coil Spring with Ni-Ti Archwire Correcting Teeth ' Crowding

  30. 探讨在干燥条件下,在牙齿排齐整平阶段应用不同的自锁托槽与不同的镍钛圆丝组合所产生的滑动阻力。

    To compare the level of friction resistance ( FR ) of different design self-ligating brackets using various bracket-wire combination in dry state during orthodontic phase of leveling and aligning .