
  • 网络Spessartite;Spessartine;SPESSARTITE GARNET
  1. 赋矿层位中富含磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、锰铝榴石和锰铁闪石。

    Ore bearing stratum contain richly pyrrhotite , pyrite , spessartine and dannemorite . Additionly , there are smaller arsenopyrite and cobaltite .

  2. 四川黑水锰矿锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石系列矿物的分类及其意义

    The classification of the spessartine-almandine series mineral in manganese ore from heishui , sichuan and its significance

  3. 石榴石的种类包括(铁铝榴石、镁铝榴石、镁铁榴石、锰铝榴石、钙铁榴石、钙铬榴石)。

    The variety of garnet includes almandine , pyrope , magnesium-iron garnet , manganese-aluminum garnet , andradite and calcium-chromium garnet .

  4. 经矿物标型特征研究,应属锰铝榴石。热液蚀变与金矿化有关。

    The study of its modal characteristics indicates that it belongs to the spessartite series and is related to hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization .

  5. 与白垩系相比,古近系和新近系砂岩中的富锰铝榴石组份的石榴子石所占比例减少,而富铁镁铝榴石组份的石榴子石含量增加。

    Comparing to that in Cretaceous , the proportion of garnets rich in spessartine reduces in Neogene sandstones , while the proportion of garnets with high almandine and pyrope increases .