
  • 网络The City of Syracuse
  1. 美国纽约州立大学上州医科大学(SUNYUpstateMedicalUniversity,位于锡拉丘兹市,又译雪城)的精神病学教授史蒂芬·法劳内(StephenFaraone)表示,存在注意问题的患儿的家长无需因该研究结果而感到恐慌。

    Stephen Faraone , a professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse , said the findings should not panic parents of children with attention problems .

  2. 他后来进入锡拉丘兹市纽约州立大学,攻读生物工程博士学位。

    That 's when he enrolled in a doctoral program in bioprocess engineering at State University of New York in Syracuse .

  3. 但纽约市不是唯一一个安有大量无效人行横道按键的城市。根据美国广播公司2010年的调查,德克萨斯州的奥斯汀市、佛罗里达州的盖恩斯维尔市和纽约的锡拉丘兹市的人行横道都只有一个有用的按键。

    But New York City isn 't alone in this let down , as ABC conducted a survey in 2010 that found only one working crosswalk button in Austin Texas , Gainesville , Florida and Syracuse , New York .