
  • 网络minjiang park
  1. 营造自然亲水的空间&以闽江公园滨水景观设计为例

    Creating a Natural Waterfront Space & the design of Minjiang Park as an example

  2. 提升福州闽江公园景观生态水平的几点想法

    Some ideas about how to improve the landscape and zoology of the Minjiang park

  3. 福州闽江公园锦江园入口景观设计分析

    Landscape Design Analysis of the Entrance in Fuzhou Minjiang Riverside Park Jinjiang Garden

  4. 通过对闽江公园滨水地带景观设计的阐述,探讨了解决过洪公园防洪与亲水、安全与美观问题的思路。

    This article introduces the waterfront landscape design of Minjiang Park , and discusses the method of how to deal with the contradiction of flood control and access to water , the stability of structure security and the beautification of visual landscape of the park .