
  • 网络Cast Iron Pot;cast iron skillet;Dutch oven;Cast Iron Cookware
  1. 富硒铸铁锅的研制及应用

    The Production and Usage of Se Containing Pot

  2. 周六晚上,观众聚集在参赛者的陶罐前,等待裁判们宣布当天的赢家,竞赛分为以下五个类别:肉汁、秋葵汤、猪油渣、什锦饭和甜品(是的,派和水果馅饼,甚至包括用铸铁锅做的肉桂卷)。

    Crowds gather at competitors " pots on Saturday evenings while the judges decide which wins the day in five categories : gravies , gumbos , cracklins ( or " gratons " ) , jambalayas and desserts ( yes , pies , cobblers and even cinnamon rolls cooked in cast iron ) .

  3. 铸铁镀锌锅失效分析

    Failure Analysis of Zinc-plated Cast-iron Crucibles

  4. 恩尼斯把粉红色的肥鹅肝切成细细的一片片,并将其放入已在炉上加热的铸铁平底锅中。

    Ernest cut the block of foie gras into pink slices and put them in a blackened cast-iron pan that had been warming on the hob .