
yóu kuàng kāi cǎi
  • uranium mining
铀矿开采[yóu kuàng kāi cǎi]
  1. 铀矿开采项目经济评价方法研究

    Research of evaluation method of economics of uranium mining projects

  2. 铀矿开采对环境的影响及治理的特殊性

    The Specificity of Impact and Harnessing Induced by Uranium Mining

  3. 本文分析了铀矿开采项目的传统经济评价方法和实物期权法,传统经济评价方法介绍了净现值法、蒙特卡洛法、决策树法等,实物期权法有B-S定价模型和二叉树定价模型。

    In this paper , the traditional methods including NPV , Monte Carlo simulation analysis , Decision Tree and so on and the real options method including Black-Scholes and Binomial methods were discussed .

  4. 铀矿开采中的矿石贫化及其经济分析

    Ore dilutions in mining of some uranium deposits and their economical analysis

  5. 论铀矿开采中安全与防护的特殊性

    On specific characteristics of safety and protection in uranium mining

  6. 国外铀矿开采技术发展述评

    Recent developments and tendencies in foreign uranium mining technology

  7. 中国铀矿开采与发展方向

    Uranium mining and its direction of development in China

  8. 铀矿开采中损失率和贫化率的计算及降低损失贫化的意义

    Calculations of loss and dilution in mining of uranium deposits and their economical evaluation

  9. 浅谈我国铀矿开采特点

    Characteristics of Uranium Ores Mining in China

  10. 铀矿开采中氡及其子体的渗流与控制

    Permeation and control of radon and its radiation products in underground mining of uranium deposits

  11. 铀矿开采学术讨论会在杭州召开

    Uranium mining symposium held in Hangzhou

  12. 调查研究发现,衢州铀矿开采已经对当地的生态环境和社会环境造成了不同程度的负面影响。

    We find that the uranium mining in Quzhou has resulted in different negative influence on the mine and its surroundings .

  13. 天然成因试剂地浸采铀在我国是一项较新的铀矿开采方法,空气预氧化矿层技术是其核心内容。

    In-situ leaching uranium mining by natural reagent is a new technology in China , and air pre-oxidation is the core content of this technology .

  14. 铀矿开采和选冶的一些工作场所内,铀矿尘、氡子体和放射性气溶胶的浓度十分高。

    In some working-place of underground uranium mines and mills , the concentrations of uranium ore dust , radon daughters and radioactive aerosols are very high .

  15. 其次,通过资料的收集和对矿区附近居民的走访调查,了解了衢州铀矿开采对环境造成的影响。

    Secondly , we have found out the influence on the environment resulted from the uranium mining in Quzhou by collecting data and investigating the local residents .

  16. 铀矿开采项目具有很强的探索性和巨大的投资风险,为了减少投资风险和决策失误,必须对铀矿开采项目进行经济性评价。

    Since uranium mining projects are of great investment risk , appraisement on economics of uranium mining projects must be carried out in advance so as to avoid investment risk and decision fault .

  17. 为此,总结了我国在煤型铀矿床开采方面的经验,提出了该领域亟待研究解决的问题,并期望能通过这些研究推动我国煤型铀矿开采的快速发展。

    This paper summarizes the experiences in uranium bearing coal deposit mining , suggests research topics in this area . It is hoped that these studies can promote the development of uranium bearing coal deposit mining .

  18. 实践证明,这些方法具有工艺简单、经济效益好、作业条件好等优点,是今后我国发展铀矿开采业的主要途径。

    Practice shows that the heap leaching and in-situ leaching technologies have the advantages of simple technology , better economic benefit , good operational conditions , and are the main way of developing China 's uranium mining in future .

  19. 本文简述了影响铀矿开采的地质特点,结合实例研究了采矿损失率和贫化率计算公式的应用和矿石贫化的经济评价以及降低损失和贫化的措施。

    This paper describes the geological characteristics influencing uranium mining and gives the examples of using the formulas for calculation of ore loss and dilution in mining . The economical evaluation of ore dilution and the measurements of decreasing ore loss and dilution are discussed .

  20. 这个国家的铀矿开采已有近40年历史,他表示,但当人们发现,尼日尔来自铀的直接收入,基本上与洋葱出口的收入相当,这就有问题了。

    This country has already seen uranium extraction for nearly 40 years , he said . But when one sees that the direct revenues from uranium are more or less equivalent to those derived from the export of onions each year , there 's a problem .

  21. 这家名为accordnuclearresources的公司将在整个商用核电领域进行企业并购,重点放在铀矿的开采、生产及服务。

    The venture , accord nuclear resources , will buy and merge companies across the commercial nuclear power sector , focusing on uranium mining , production and services .

  22. 为了满足可地浸砂岩铀矿的开采工艺要求,研制了HXY-800QT型拖车钻机。

    The Trailer Mounted Rig HXY-800QT was developed to meet the requirement of exploitation of Sandstone Uranium Mine .

  23. 关于铀矿地下开采极限采掘比的商榷

    On the determination of limiting development ratio in uranium underground mining

  24. 高品位铀矿的开采

    The m in in g of the high grade uranium deposit

  25. 铀矿露天开采中的防尘降氡和环境保护

    Radon and dust reduction and environmental protection at some uranium open-bit mine

  26. 铀矿勘探开采危害指数分析

    Analysis of harm index for uranium mine

  27. 本文主要叙述了中国铀矿露天开采技术的发展状况及露天开采技术对铀矿工业发展的积极作用,同时着重介绍了中国露天铀矿生产技术及经营管理的主要经验。

    The situation of uranium open-pit mining techniques in China is described in this paper .

  28. 本文调查研究了某铀矿在开采加工过程中对周围环境的放射性影响,提出了防止影响的对策。

    This paper describes an investigation of the effect of radiation on environment in the mining and processing of uranium ore for a uranium enterprise and suggests the countermeasures for the pollution prevention .

  29. 由于人类对铀矿的开采和提炼,以及铀在核武器和核能源方面的广泛应用,造成了环境中大规模的铀污染,这使得了解铀在环境介质中的迁移转化过程十分必要。

    The extraction and processing of uranium for use in the nuclear weapons and in commercial nuclear energy production have led to extensive uranium contamination in the environment . This makes it imperative to understand the processes that affect the environmental mobility of uranium .

  30. 水平分层崩落法在本溪铀矿3~矿体开采中的应用

    Application of horizontal slicing - and - caving in Benxi uranium mine