
qián táng cháo
  • Qiantang Tide;the Qiantang bore
钱塘潮[qián táng cháo]
  1. 在钱塘潮上冲浪在浙江省是古老的传统。

    Surfing the Qiantang tides is an age-old tradition in Zhejiang Province .

  2. 钱塘潮,自古以来被视为天下奇观。

    The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight .

  3. 科学家表示,今年的钱塘潮是九年里最大的。

    Scientists say , this year 's Qiantang River tides are the largest in nine years .

  4. 有若钱塘潮泣下,力拔山兮,八千里路云和月

    Like the tears of Qiantang River that buries the clouds and moon spreading over eight thousand miles

  5. 在大自然壮丽的表演中,中国东部的钱塘潮吸引了全国的游客。

    In a magnificent display of nature , the Qiantang River tides in east China attracts tourists from all over the country .

  6. 杭州湾是我国东中部沿海的一个著名海湾,尤以喇叭状河口海湾及其上游汹涌澎湃的钱塘潮著称于世。

    Hangzhou Bay is a famous bay in the middle-east of China , which is well-known for its horn-shaped estuary and the surging Qiantang tide that happens once a year in its upstream .

  7. 自此,桂林山水甲天下名闻国内外。钱塘潮,自古以来被视为天下奇观。

    In time Guilin has become known all over the world as " the No. 1 scenic spot under heaven . " The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight .

  8. 钱塘潮出现在每年农历八月期间,上涨的潮水形成巨大的波浪,随着河流变窄,波浪移动的方向与水流的方向相反。

    The Qiantang River tides appear each year during the eighth month of the lunar calendar , when incoming tides form a huge wave that travels against the direction of the current as the river narrows .

  9. 钱塘江潮是我国自然伟观之一。

    The Qiantang bore is one of the magnificent natural sights in china .

  10. 特别是每年中秋前后有钱塘江潮,怒涛奔腾、激流汹涌,蔚为天下大观。

    Especially round the Moon Festival every year one can enjoy the raging tidal bore which is a most spectacular natural phenomenon .

  11. 杭州的风景名胜,除西湖外,还有钱塘江潮。

    Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou , there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River .

  12. 阐述了杭州市四堡污水处理厂为解决排放口受钱塘江潮影响而建的排江泵房的调试经过,分析排放口潮水变化情况对污水处理厂出水的影响。

    The effluent discharging of a wastewater treatment plant situated at the mouth of Qiantang River was frequently obstructed by the tidal fluctuation , so an output pumping station was constructed .

  13. 钱塘江河口潮波变化过程

    Deformation process of tidal waves in Qiantang Estuary

  14. 南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的,比如廿四桥的明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普陀山的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等,可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

    Autumn in the South also has its unique features , such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou , the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River , the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay . But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour .

  15. 钱塘江河口段潮动力对污染物稀释扩散作用探讨

    Analysis on tidal-driven dilution and transportation of contaminants in Qiantang estuary

  16. 对钱塘江七堡水文站历年潮汐特征资料统计表明,自1980年以来,钱塘江潮汐呈明显增强的趋势。

    Statistics of the tidal data from Qibao Hydrological Station over the years show an evident trent of being strengthened for the tide in Qiangtang River .