
  • 网络calcium tungstate
  1. 阐述了生产钨酸钙过程中除钼的原理,并提出了具体的操作工艺。

    Principle of removing molybdenum from producing calcium tungstate process is set forth , concrete operation technology is presented .

  2. 钼在钨酸钙荧光体中的能量传递研究

    Study on the energy transfer processes of molybdenum doped calcium tungstate

  3. 一种由钨酸钙组成的矿物,是一种钨矿石。

    A mineral consisting of calcium tungstate ; an ore of tungsten .

  4. 在第四章,我们介绍了钨酸钙纳米晶和球形微晶的制备,并研究了其光致发光特性。

    In the third chapter , we study the luminescent property of PbWO_4 granule by the emission spectra .

  5. 这主要是由于稀土增感屏比钨酸钙增感屏有较高的X线吸收效率及转换为可见光的效率。

    This is the result of Rare earth intensifying screen , which absorbs and converts more x radiation to visible light than screen made with calcium tungstate .

  6. 用空气&乙炔火焰原子吸收法直接测定钨酸中微量钙

    Air-acetylene Flame Atomic Absorpion Method to Determine Trace Ca in Tungstic Acid

  7. 离子交换分离富集和ICP-AES测定钨酸钠中微量钙和镁

    Ion Exchange Preconcentration-ICP-AES Determination of Mi cro Ca and Mg in Sodium Tungstate

  8. 钨酸钾钆(KGd(WO4)2,简称KGW)激光晶体是在钨酸钙(CaWO4)晶体上发展起来的一种新型激光材料。

    KGd ( WO_4 ) _2 laser crystal is a new laser substance material develop upon CaWO_4 crystal .

  9. 本文介绍了用石灰直接沉淀法回收仲钨酸铵结晶母液中WO30该法是用普通廉价的石灰代替烧碱,把结晶母液中的WO3直接转变成钨酸钙,白钨母液经浓缩回收氯化铵。

    The application of the straight lime precipitation process for the recovery of WO_3 fram the ammonium paratungstate mother liquor has been studied . The ordinary low price lime is employed instead of soda , and the WO_3 in the mother liquor transforms straightly into calcium tungstate .