
  • 网络busan port;Port of Busan;Pusan
  1. 天津新港距离韩国釜山港仅一夜航程,每天都有航班。

    Tianjin Xingang is near to Busan port , only one night sailing , liners available daily .

  2. 相比而言,釜山港经历了集装箱作业站数量的持续增加,集装箱数量的停滞不前和港口服务和成本的不断完善。

    In contrast , Busan port has experienced constantly increasing numbers of container terminals , stagnancy of container output and improvement of port service and competitive port cost .

  3. 釜山港城市设计&南韩釜山

    Pusan Harbor Urban Design & Pusan , South Korea

  4. 现阶段,除釜山港和深圳港等少数港口拥有可扩展的堆场空间资源外,其余绝大部分港口堆场几乎无法向外扩张空间。

    At this stage , a few ports have scalable yard space resources , such as Busan Port and Shenzhen Port , but the most port have not it .

  5. 上海港和釜山港、高雄港之间未来东北亚枢纽港地位的竞争,宁波港集装箱运输的快速发展对上海港发展造成的影响;

    Shanghai Harbor and Pusan Port , Kaohsiung Port future Northeast Asian hub port status competition , the rapid development of container transport of Ningbo Port to Shanghai Port development impact ;

  6. 从世界范围看,2010年全球10大集装箱吞吐量排名中有4个是东北亚地区的港口,包括上海港、釜山港、宁波舟山港和青岛港。

    From a global perspective , there are four ports in this region ranking in the 2010 top 10 global container ports , including Shanghai port , Busan port , Ningbo-Zhoushan port and Qingdao port .

  7. 然而众所周知,东北亚地区港口的竞争态势至今尚未明朗化,尤其是为了争夺东北亚国际航运中心的地位,上海港、釜山港和高雄港之间的较量更是日趋白热化。

    However , it is well-known that the situation of competition among the ports around Northeast Asia is still obscure and that the competition for the International Shipping Centre of Northeast Asia among Shanghai Port , Busan Port and Kaohsiung Port is especially drastic .