
  • 网络financial integration;International Financial Integration
  1. 论IMF和worldbank在国际金融一体化中的作用

    The Role of IMF and World Bank in International Financial Integration

  2. 最后,为了探究金融一体化对国际风险分担的影响,本文对BMW模型进行了简单的扩展。

    Finally , in order to explore the impact of financial integration on international risk sharing , I expand the BMW model to be a random stochastic one .

  3. 加入WTO后,全球金融一体化的大环境要求我国商业银行必须改革传统的组织架构,建立以市场为导向、客户为中心的组织架构。

    After China entered WTO , it is required by the unification of global banking that we must transform the traditional organization structure of Chinese commercial banks into a market-oriented and client-centered structure .

  4. 基于世界金融一体化步伐的加快和中国加入WTO后金融业竞争形势的加剧,中国金融业应根据国情,借鉴国外金融业的发展经验,如能做到货币市场、证券市场、保险市场的有机融合;

    With the pace of financial globalization quickening and financial competition becoming more fierce after China joins WTO , China 's financial industry ought to depend on our national conditions and learn foreign experiences .

  5. 欧洲央行(ECB)上月的一份报告指出,2007年之前,欧元区似乎一直沿着金融一体化程度步步深化的道路前进。金融一体化降低了资本成本,带来了巨大的经济利益。

    As a report from the European Central Bank last month notes , until 2007 the eurozone seemed to be on a glide path towards steadily rising levels of financial integration , which was delivering big economic benefits , by cutting the cost of capital .

  6. 全球金融一体化进程中金融监管面临的挑战与变革

    Challenge and Reform for Financial Supervision in the Financial Globalization Integration

  7. 国际金融一体化的含义、结构及其内容探析

    Study on International Financial Integration : Definition , Structure and Contents

  8. 欧元区金融一体化发展与稳定性安排的困境

    Financial Integration in Euro Area and the Dilemma of Stability Arrangement

  9. 东亚金融一体化:基于资本流动的实证分析

    East Asian financial integration : demonstrative analysis basing on capital flow

  10. 资本的国际流动趋向与金融一体化

    On the Trends of International Capital Flows and Financial Integration

  11. 欧盟金融一体化问题研究

    The Research on the Issue of European Union Financial Integration

  12. 金融一体化与经济稳定增长:机制、条件及理性选择

    Financial Integration and Steady Growth : Mechanisms , Conditions and Rational Choice

  13. 全球金融一体化带来了证券市场的全球化。

    With the global financial integration came the globalization of securities markets .

  14. 经挤一体化是金融一体化的深入和发展,当金融一体化了,经济一体化才可能是完整的和巩固的。

    Economic integration is deepening and development of finance integration .

  15. 更为稳定的汇率,也许还有利于促进区域金融一体化进程。

    Stabler exchange rates may also bring benefits of greater financial integration .

  16. 随着金融一体化的深入,全球银行保险的发展越来越迅速。

    Along with financial integration penetrating deeply , the global bancassurance develops rapidly .

  17. 全球金融一体化趋势下中国金融业的战略发展构想

    Strategic Conception of China 's Financial Industry under the Trend of Financial Globalization

  18. 世界金融一体化背景下的IMF:挑战与对策

    Challenges and Countermeasures of IMF in World Financial Integration

  19. 欧洲经货联盟加速了欧洲经济一体化,特别是金融一体化的进程。

    EMU accelerates the integration of European economy , especially the financial integration .

  20. 深港金融一体化的条件与途径

    SZ and HK finance integration 's condition and route

  21. 金融一体化的实质与战略思考

    The Essential and Strategic Thought of Finance Integration

  22. 欧洲金融一体化发生了逆转。

    European financial integration has gone into reverse .

  23. 首先,全球化促使金融一体化。

    First , globalisation has integrated finance .

  24. 东亚金融一体化研究&基于实际利率平价理论的分析与探讨

    Financial Integration of East Asia & Analysis and Discussion Based on the Real Interest Parity

  25. 在金融一体化和自由化进程中,外资银行扮演了极为重要的角色。

    Foreign Banks play an important role in the process of financial integration and liberalization .

  26. 港粤金融一体化的空间模式

    Space Model of Gang-Yue Financial Integration

  27. 加快商业银行的改革,构建应对金融一体化的微观基础;在坚持分业经营体制的同时,探讨金融业混业经营趋势;

    Building the micro basis of the financial integration by reforming the commercial bank systems rapidly ;

  28. 国际金融一体化障碍分析

    On difficulties of international finance convergence

  29. 欧盟银行业这次并购活动有其独特的时代背景,它是伴随着欧盟金融一体化的进程而展开的。

    EU banks M & A processed in particular time background along with course of EU financial globalization .

  30. 这就形成了金融一体化对欧元区货币政策传导影响的主要内容。

    This form of financial integration on the impact of the euro area monetary policy transmission main content .