
  • Purchasing Department;purchase department;Purchasing Dept.
  1. 之后通过CSC预备会、CSC会确定供应商,采购部组织与供应商签订试制协议。

    CSC will confirm supplier by CSC meeting , then purchasing department will sign trial-manufacturing agreement with supplier .

  2. 根据BPR的思想,现代企业可以组建为生产部、采购部、营销部、R&D、人力资源部、财务部等六个部门。

    According to the concept of BPR , modern enterprises consist of such six departments as production department , purchasing department , marketing department , R & D , human resource department , finance department , etc. .

  3. 我是采购部的AmyPhilips。

    Miss Philips : Purchasing , this is Amy Philips .

  4. Ross先生是采购部负责人,我接给您好不好?

    Mr. Ross is in charge of purchasing . Shall I put you through ?

  5. 协助全球战略采购部寻找国内相应的的外委和OE供应商。

    Assist global sourcing initiative by sourcing suitable Chinese sub-contractor and OE suppliers .

  6. Net-a-Porter全球采购部副总裁莎拉•罗森(SarahRutson)说,衬衣的“东山再起”完全在预料之中。

    For Sarah Rutson , vice-president for global buying at Net-a-Porter , shirting 's renaissance is no surprise .

  7. 在国际采购部经理陈文丽的带领下,分别参观了品酒大厅、五大名庄VIP房以及地下酒窖等西堡酒庄标志性景点。

    Showed around by Ms Chen , manager of purchasing dept , they visited hallmarks of Chateau Somso such as wine tasting hall , Five VIP Rooms and wine cellar .

  8. iqa在原材料扣留单上填写让步放行原因和方式并通知产品供应部、采购部和质量主管。

    IQA fills why and how the raw materials are released in the detainment sheet , and informs the managers of product supply department , purchasing department and quality department .

  9. 对于卖场的商品采购部主管罗布•惠伦(RobWhalen)来说,能找到一款美国制造的电动开罐器都是一件非常高兴的事。他说:我可以告诉你有多少人想要一款美制开罐器。

    Rob Whalen , the store 's head merchandise buyer , would be delighted even to find a U.S. - made electric can opener . ' I can 't tell you how many people want an American can opener , ' he said .

  10. Net-a-Porter网店女士内衣采购部负责人玛丽亚•威廉姆斯(MariaWilliams)说:“如今众目睽睽的是突破成衣与贴身内衣的界限。这种流行趋势最终是重新把关注的目光投向女士的身体。”

    Maria Williams , head of lingerie buying at Net-a-Porter , says : " What we 're seeing is a breaking down of boundaries between ready-to-wear and intimates . Ultimately , it 's a trend that is about bringing the focus back to the woman 's body . "

  11. NAMSO的任务是在平战时对两个或多个北约成员国军队以最低的成本实施最有效的后勤保障。NAMSA由后勤规划调控部,采购部,财政部和资源部四个部门组成。

    NAMSO 's mission is to maximize , in peacetime and in wartime , the effectiveness of logistics support to the Armed Forces of NATO states and to minimize costs .

  12. 这样,当技术部门找到解决方案后,采购部可以给部件失效(诸如AOG订货)的影响定价,并评估相应的财政补偿。

    That way , while our technical people are finding a solution , we can value the impact of a component failure ( such as an AOG , for example ) and assess the appropriate financial compensation .

  13. 送交采购部每天所需的采购单。

    Passes onto the purchasing manager his daily market list requirements .

  14. 这样吧,咱们联系一下采购部吧。

    Well , let 's get on to the Buying Department .

  15. 方逸华加入邵氏兄弟,初在采购部工作。

    Mona Fong joined sb and worked in the purchasing department .

  16. 合适者可在产品设计部或采购部工作。

    To work in our product design or procurement department .

  17. 我会和采购部经理商讨此事。

    I willl talk to the department manager about it .

  18. 从公园大道入口进入采购部。

    Use the Park Road entrance to get to the buy department .

  19. 女:好吧,我们去和采购部协商一下吧。

    W : Well , let 's get on to the Buying Department .

  20. 这是盖依·威先生,威尔榭时装公司采购部的经理助理。

    Mr. Guy Dewey , assistant manager of Willshire Fashion 's Purchase Department .

  21. 协助采购部、供应商进行资料传递;

    Assist merchandising department and suppliers with documents delivery ;

  22. 我是从采购部调来接替克莱尔·威谦姆斯的。

    I 've been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare Williams .

  23. 请将此技术信息转交贵司技术工程和采购部。

    Please pass the technical information to technology depart and purchasing depart . Thanks !

  24. ::采购部提姆到了提姆:嘿,乔伊丝。

    Tim from purchasing arrives Hey , Joice .

  25. 我是太平洋贸易有限公司的采购部主管。

    I 'm in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Compangy Ltd.

  26. 协调与采购部的工作,管理备件,服务的定购。

    Cooperate with purchase department for the spare parts , service and working material .

  27. 我表示理解,如遇特殊情况,我将联系贵公司采购部。

    I will contact your Purchasing Department in case we meet with specific circumstances .

  28. 支持战略采购部;

    Interact and support Strategic Procurement ;

  29. 我们已经联络采购部,他们也正在和供应商讨论相关事宜。

    Howard : We have contacted Purchasing , and they are dealing with the manufacturer right now .

  30. 没有记录表明2006年的培训计划有包括采购部及生技部的需求。

    No record could show that the training plan of2006 year was involved the needs of purchasing Dept.