
  1. 郭敬明为他的读者和观众营造了一个梦幻般的世界,这也是很多年轻人梦寐以求的生活:穿着大牌、开着宾利(Bentleys)、在舞厅喝着香槟、与英俊潇洒的成功人士约会。

    Mr. Guo builds a fantasy world for his readers and audiences , a sparkling world that many young Chinese dream about : big-name fashion labels , Bentleys , Champagne in glistening ballrooms , and dates with successful and attractive men .

  2. 但在问及他爱情生活方面的问题时,郭敬明却笑了起来。

    But Guo Jingming smiles when asked about his own love life .

  3. 在中国,郭敬明是一位非常有名的作家。

    Guo Jingming is a famous writer in China .

  4. 当然,我无意冒犯郭敬明和他的《小时代3》。

    No offense to Guo and his Tiny Times .

  5. 郭敬明经营着一家知名出版社,是一个成功的商人。

    Mr. Guo , who runs a well-established publishing house , is a successful businessman .

  6. 后现代时期的青春叙事&兼评郭敬明的小说

    Youth Narrates in Post Modern Times & To Comment on the Novel of Guo Jingming

  7. 郭敬明已经写了好几本畅销书,包括《幻城》和《悲伤逆流成河》。

    Jingming has written several best sellers including : City of Fantasy and River of Sorrow .

  8. 如果我们不开始为他们制作电影,这将是太迟了,郭敬明补充说。

    It will be too late if we don 't start making movies for them , Guo adds .

  9. 和郭敬明相比,韩寒在政治问题上的舆论领袖身份更引人注目。

    Compared to Mr. Guo , Mr. Han is more notable as an opinion leader on political issues .

  10. 郭敬明由作家转行当起了导演,其上海爱情小说改编而成的系列电影终结篇于近日上映。

    Writer-turned-director Guo Jingming brings his series of adaptations of his own Shanghai-set romance novels to a close 。

  11. 在前几部影片中,大量的瑕疵都被郭敬明极尽渲染的物质奢靡所掩盖。

    The myriad cracks in the previous installments have largely been papered over by Guo 's near-maximalist representation of material excess .

  12. 这群年青作家,像郭敬明和张悦然,其乐成之处在于,他们能直击同龄人的心底。

    What makes authors like Guo Jingming and Zhang Yueran so successful is their ability to connect directly with their peers .

  13. 郭敬明你是个侏儒,一个用名牌来支撑你的尊严和信心,无论是身高还是精神。

    GJM you are a dwarf , a brand to support you with the dignity and confidence , whether or moral height .

  14. 郭敬明还说,多部国产剧的成功也标志中国观众对中国电影的反思。

    The success of homegrown dramas also signals how Chinese audiences have reconsidered what they want in their cinemas , Guo added .

  15. 郭敬明对《中国日报》表示:我们现在每天都要面对物质主义,它并不肮脏龌龊。

    Materialism is something we face every day now , and it is not dirty , Guo told the state-run China Daily newspaper .

  16. 或许郭敬明更加喜欢通过海报上人物之间的空间站位来揭示其互相交错的故事线以及调整电影的情节主线。

    Probably more at ease unveiling his intertwining storylines across wide swathes of space in print , Guo struggles to pace his plotlines .

  17. 24岁的郭敬明在2011年以2450万元的版税收入排名中国最富作家之首。

    Guo Jingming , 24 , topped the Rich List of Chinese Writers in 2011 , with a royalty income of 24.5 million yuan .

  18. 作为当下青春文学写作的代表,郭敬明及其作品在畅销之外也越来越引人关注。

    As a representative sample of currently youth literature , Guo Jingming and his works arouse more and more attention in addition to best-selling reputation .

  19. 相反,他认为有些批评言论来自于成立多时的电影企业。像郭敬明这样年轻而业余的新人拍出成功电影,无疑使得那些老企业倍感威胁。

    He attributed some of the criticism to established film industry figures who feel threatened by the success of a young amateur such as Guo .

  20. 郭敬明试图借此传达自己对人性的看法,而他感情充沛的情节描述也在读者中广受好评。

    Guo has tried to convey his thoughts on human nature , and his portrayal of rich emotions has been widely appreciated by the readers .

  21. 郭敬明说,从西南城市重庆到上海上大学以及明白自己比其他人穷是一种成长体验。

    Guo says that going from the southwestern city of Chongqing to university in Shanghai and realizing he was poorer than the others was a formative experience .

  22. 该电影是根据电影导演兼小说作者郭敬明的同名小说改编而成,该小说在去年还被改编成音乐剧。

    The franchise was born from a 2008 novel written by the films ' director Guo Jingming . The book was adapted into a musical last year .

  23. 第四章分别从出版诚信、作者素质、市场营销三个方面揭示了郭敬明现象中蕴涵的启示。

    In the last chapter , further revelation of Guo Jingming phenomenon are obtained from good faith of publication , quality of author , and marketing management .

  24. 对于郭敬明来说,写作就像是打羽毛球,只是我的一项爱好,他说:我通过写作来记录一年的变化。

    For Guo writing is like playing badminton . It ` s one of my hobbies ,, he says . I write to record the annual changes .

  25. 作为第一部使用动作捕捉技术的国产动画电影,郭敬明的《爵迹》以2.74亿元的票房位居第三。

    Guo Jingming 's Legend of Ravaging Dynasties , the first domestic animated film to use motion capture technology , came in third with 274 million yuan .

  26. 导演郭敬明说《小时代》让观众敢于梦想有光明前途、知心朋友和帅气男友的美好未来。

    Director Guo said that Tiny Times allowed its viewers to dream about a future with a great career , great friends , and a handsome boyfriend .

  27. 相反,他认为有些批评言论来自于成立多时的电影企业。像郭敬明这样“年轻而业余”的新人拍出成功电影,无疑使得那些老企业倍感威胁。

    He attributed some of the criticism to established film industry figures who feel threatened by the success of a " young amateur " such as Guo .

  28. 这四个方面的力量形成一股强大的合力,集体成就了郭敬明,共同制造了郭敬明现象。

    The strength of these four aspects has formed a powerful resultant force , which helped Guo Jingming to achieve his success and created the Guo Jingming phenomenon .

  29. 本片改编自郭敬明2008年的同名小说《小时代》,他说这部电影让观众为了梦想努力拼搏。

    Guo Jingming , who has adapted his own novel from 2008 & also titled Tiny Time , said Tiny Times allows his viewers to dream about the future .

  30. 郭敬明的出现有其偶然性也有其必然性,郭敬明现象的存在有其合理性也有其消极性。

    The emergence of Guo Jingming has its chanciness , but also has its inevitability . The existence of Guo Jingming phenomenon has its rationality as well as its negativity .