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  • Ying;capital of the State of Chu
  • 古代中国楚国的都城,在今湖北省江陵县附近。


(楚国的都城) capital of the State of Chu:

  • 郢爰

    gold coin of Chu


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 郢人

    Ying Ren

  1. 郢人不仅脸上未变,连眼睛都没有眨一下。

    The Ying man hadn 't showed any fear on his face , not even blinkered his eyes .

  2. 一个楚国人在郢国都里面高声歌唱,开始他唱的是《下里》《巴人》,郢都城中跟着他唱的有好几千人。

    A person of the state of Chu was singing loud in the capital city . At first he sang " Xia li " , and " Ba ren " , thousands of people joined him in sing .

  3. 介绍了毛郢孜煤矿进行矿井技术改造的成功经验。

    The successful experience of coal mine technology reform is introduced .

  4. 小郢:你就真的想这样死吗?

    LY : You really want to die so badly ?

  5. 安徽霍邱县王郢古墓葬发掘简报

    An Excavation Report of the Ancient Tombs in Huoqiu County , Anhui Province

  6. 王鹿瞻是蒲松龄的郢中社友之一,在蒲松龄交游人物中占有较特殊的位置。

    Wang Lu-than held a special status as a friend of Pu Song-ling in the poem league of Yingzhong .

  7. 楚国始都郢及初迁时间、地理位置,至今仍是悬而未决的重要课题。

    Ying , the original capital of the Chu State , and the exact time and place of its first movement is still a significant and suspending question for discussion up to now .

  8. 公元前278年,楚国都城郢(今湖北江陵县)被秦军攻破,屈原感到救国无望,投汨罗江而死。

    In 278 BC , the capital of Chu Ying ( now Hubei Jiangling County ) was defeated Qin , Qu Yuan was no hope to save the country , the Miluo River to die .

  9. 当时最为繁华的城市是楚国的都城郢(今湖北江陵)和齐国的都城临淄(今山东临淄),其居民多达70000户。

    The most prosperous cities were seen at Linzi ( modern Zibo in Shandong ) , capital of Qi and home for about seventy thousand households , and Ying ( modern Jiangling in Hubei ) , capital of Chu .

  10. 公元前278年,秦将白起攻破楚都郢城,迫使楚迁都于陈(今河南淮阳),揭开了秦国统一战争的序幕。

    In 278 B. C. , Qin 's general Bai Qi captured Chu " s capital , Ying , compelling Chu to move its capital to Chen ( modern Huaiyang , Henan Province ) , and raised the curtain on the unification of China .