
  • 网络Handan County
  1. 河北省邯郸县村级幼儿园消毒效果情况调查

    Investigation on Disinfection Effect of Village-level Kindergarten in Handan County of Hebei Province

  2. 邯郸县抗旱服务协会向我们展示了开展农田水利基本建设的一种新的组织形式。

    The experiences of Fight Droughts Association of Handan County provide us a new type of organization in the process of construction of water conservancy projects .

  3. 方法:查阅邯郸县结防科的病历及传染病登记卡收集资料,进行统计学分析。

    Methods : Data was collected from medical record and infectious diseases reporting card in the TB clinic of Handan county , and statistical analysis was made .

  4. 河北省邯郸县淡水资源短缺、地下水超采、水体污染日趋严重,水的供需矛盾突出,已成为当地经济发展的制约因素。

    In Handan County , Hebei Province , the worsening of situations in freshwater shortage , groundwater overexploitation and water pollution have become restrictive factors of economic development .

  5. 对系统实现中的某些关键问题,如审批工作流程、电子签章、用户权限、数据库连接等进行了详细的研究;(5)邯郸县行政审批系统设计与实现。

    Also , some technicalities such as approving workflow , electronic signature , authorized users , database connection and system security were studied . ( 5 ) Design and implementation of Handan administrative approving system .

  6. 河北九天生物制品有限公司,位于邯郸市鸡泽县,是集研发、生产、销售为一体的高新技术企业。

    Hebei nine Biological Products Co. , Ltd. , located in Handan City jize county , are R & D , production and sales of high-tech enterprises .

  7. 目的:通过邯郸市邯郸县新发涂阳肺结核控制效果分析,了解本地区结核病流行趋势,进一步落实控制措施。

    Objective : To understand the epidemic trend of tuberculosis and take corresponding control measures through analysis of control results of new smear positive cases in Handan county of Handan .

  8. 兴邦公司位于邯郸市永年县西南开发区内,占地面积100亩,紧邻京珠高速公路、107国道,交通便利地理位置优越。

    Covering an area of100 mu , our company locates in Southwest Development Zone in Yongnian county , Handan city , next to Jing-Zhu Expressway , 107 National Highway and enjoys convenient transportation .

  9. 本文通过对邯郸地区14个县87个农作物样品中砷含量的监测结果进行统计、研究,参照标准分析了该地区砷污染状况及污染原因,提出了治理砷污染的措施。

    According to the data of content of As element in 87 crop samples which collected from 14 counties in Handan , the author analysed the condition and cause of As pollution in Handan and provided measurements of controlling pollution .