
  • 网络easy rider;EASYRIDERS
  1. 他说,《逍遥骑士》(EasyRider)是一部真正的西部片,只是用机车取代了马儿,片中有坏男孩、机车骑手和串珠项链。

    Easy Rider , he said , was really a western with motorcycles instead of horses : bad boys , bikers and beads .

  2. 就像电影“逍遥骑士”中的彼得方达

    It 's like Peter Fonda in " easy rider . "

  3. 要了解更多的嬉皮文化,就必须看一部叫做《逍遥骑士》的电影。

    To understand more about hippies seeing the movie Easyrider is a must .

  4. 昨晚你看逍遥骑士了吗?(美国电影)

    Did you see Knight Rider last night ?

  5. 父亲拍完《逍遥骑士》后,他俩就离婚了,我们出发时她没有来。

    Since she and my father had divorced after he made Easy Rider , she was absent when we departed .

  6. 在电影“逍遥骑士”中的著名摩托车将在下个月开始拍卖。

    And the famous motor cycle from the movie " Easy Rider " is going on the auction block next month .