
  • 网络misty mystery;After the Thin Man
  1. 原定于2004年6月30日之前完成的原产地标准的相关谈判未能取得实质性进展,更使得CAFTA前途迷雾重重。

    The relevant negotiations about origin criteria scheduled to be finished before June 30 , 2004 have failed to make substantive progress , which make CAFTA have an uncertain future .

  2. 迷雾重重的森林里好像隐藏着《帝国反击战》里的尤达,丛林生存技能则是师从《绝地归来》里的伊沃克人(Ewoks)。

    There is a misty forest reminiscent of Yoda 's hideout in The EmpireStrikes Back . There are woodcrafts inspired by the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi.There are CGI giants and wittering sidekicks aplenty .

  3. 我不想把这件事搞得迷雾重重。

    I didn 't mean to make a mystery out of it .

  4. 关于她的诸多误解中,婚姻悲剧迷雾重重。她的丈夫不是市井小民,而是无才无德之官吏。

    Among the misunderstandings about her , her marriage tragedy was often criticized .

  5. 伊拉克战场上的硝烟渐渐散去,但战后世界经济的走势仍然迷雾重重。

    Uncertainties still exist in the world economy even as the Iraqi war is coming to an end .

  6. 然而,尽管拟议的交易结构已得到具体说明,鸿海进行这笔交易的理由依然迷雾重重。

    But while a proposed deal structure has now been specified , the rationale is still shrouded in mystery .

  7. 位于朝鲜的开城工业区,一家由韩国投资雇佣朝鲜工人的合资企业,也在平壤一系列反复中变得迷雾重重。

    The future of the Kaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea , a joint venture between southern capital and northern labour , is in doubt following a series of capricious demands by Pyongyang .

  8. 在全球对外直接投资低迷的2009年,中国企业对海外投资额却达到了创纪录的高度,在迷雾重重的国际市场上,可谓是前景一片光明,机遇明显高于挑战。

    In the global direct investment has fallen sharply in 2009 , Chinese enterprise overseas investment has reached record heights , in dense fog on the international market , it is a bright future , the opportunity was significantly higher than that of the challenge .