
In spite of its insistence on keeping politics out of sport , the Olympics organising committee ( Bocog ) joined the foreign ministry in defending China 's stance on Darfur which had been cited by Mr Spielberg as the reason for his resignation .
On the issue of Darfur , China has consistently opposed economic sanctions on Sudan .
Analysis of the Basic Way of China 's Participation in the Solution of the Darfur Issue
The Role of African Union in Solving the African Regional Conflicts & Taking Darfur Problem for Example
On the issue of Darfur , our position has always been to promote a dialogue and peace talks .
Darfur issue is also known as the Darfur crisis or Darfur conflict in domestic and international media and academia .
Darfur Issue involves many complex contradictions , among which the Sino-Sudan cooperation on gas has been blamed by the West .
We stand for pushing forward the dual-track strategy , which has been proved conducive to the proper settlement of the Darfur issue .
On the situation in Darfur , important progress has been made on the Darfur issue with the joint efforts of the international community .
" The government also intends to depoliticize the olympics ," she adds . " they do not want Darfur hanging over the olympics . "
It will be frustrating if all the previous international efforts and positive progress made on the Darfur issue fall short of success because of this .
The western nations always tend to turn their eyes on China seeking for a more role-playing on such issues as Burma , North Korea and Darfur .
Any real solution to Darfur 's problems will require sustained economic development , says UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon in this article for The Washington Post .
He says the UN-African Union peacekeeping force accepted by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir last week will help moderate the violence & but it is not enough to solve Darfur 's problems .
However , this petroleum cooperation is confronted with challenges from the economic unstableness due to a single industry structure in Sudan , and from the Darfur problem and the Western slanders .
China was also the first country that gave assistance to Sudan , and we also keep [ up ] our efforts to engage the leaders in Sudan to try to seek a peaceful solution .
After the Darfur crisis erupted in china 's extended strategic arena , the adjustment of china 's foreign policy has shown great significance in various fields : china 's crisis management once again has a qualitative content and active characteristics ;
Linking the Darfur issue to the Olympic Games will not help to resolve this issue and is not in line with the Olympic Spirit that separates sports from politics , the organising committee said in a response issued more than a day after Mr Spielberg 's announcement .
About Darfur , first can you tell us how many peace-keeping personnel China has in Darfur at this moment ?
I support the efforts of those who use the Olympic opportunity to assure that issues such as Darfur get an airing .
China has acted in a principled manner and played a constructive role on the questions of Iraq and Darfur in sudan .
Sudan has got its own judicial system it is quite efficient it has already looked into matters about Darfur , indicted some people , set some people free imprisoned some people .
While Beijing has become washington 's indispensable partner in North korea , it has consistently refused to sign on to the Western agenda to end the killings in darfur , sudan , and so far reluctantly gone along with limited sanctions against iran .
Certainly I cannot say all the problems in Darfur have been properly solved , which needs further efforts of the international community .
On the Korean peninsula nuclear issue , Myanmar , Darfur and Iran , China 's constructive efforts have earned it more respect , and occasionally , more pressure .
Chad 's civil war is an essential contributor to the Darfur conflicts , whose effective solution is contingent upon the stabilization of Chad .
Similar calls are coming from activists concerned about the bloodshed in Sudan 's Darfur province , where China has a great deal of influence .