
fǔ zhù shè bèi
  • auxiliary equipment;aid
  1. PLC在江垭水电站辅助设备中的应用

    Application of PLC Auxiliary Equipment of Jiangya Hydropower Station

  2. 添加了输送带、储泥箱等辅助设备,系统采用PLC控制,完善了控制系统的设计。

    The conveyor belt , reservoir mud boxes and auxiliary equipment were designed , PLC control system was introduced and the design of control system was completed .

  3. 这部机器是辅助设备。

    The machine is servicing facilities .

  4. 小型PLC在输煤系统辅助设备上的应用

    Application of Small PLC Controllers on Accessories in Coal Handing System

  5. 公司主营3毫升至30公升各种规格PET、PP、PC两步法全自动吹瓶机、模具及配套辅助设备。

    Our focus is3ML-30L PET , PP and PC Two-Step auto bottle blowing machine , moulds as well as other auxiliary equipment , with various specifications .

  6. 本课题设计了一款基于ARM嵌入式系统的下肢康复机器人手持控制器,是一款功能强大的机器人辅助设备。

    In this paper , a hand-held controller of rehabilitation robot is designed , which is based on ARM embedded system . This is a powerful robot-assisted equipment .

  7. 汽轮机及其辅助设备系统实施RCM的基本策略

    The Strategy for RCM Implementation of Steam Turbine and Its Assisting Equipment & Systems

  8. 引进PF泡沫夹芯板材连续生产线湿部的辅助设备

    Introduced Auxiliary devices of Wet Part on the Continuous Line for the Production of Sandwich Panels with Phenolic Foam Core

  9. NAT作为一种辅助设备接入NGN下一代网络,本身有其无法克服的弊端,首先,NAT会使网络吞吐量降低,由此影响网络的性能。

    NAT also has its drawbacks can be overcome , first of all , NAT network throughput will decrease , thus affecting network performance .

  10. 要逐个检查每个GUI元素是否符合要求需要付出很多努力,而很少有软件开发公司对辅助设备进行过测试。

    There is a significant effort required to individually check each and every GUI element for compliance , and very few development shops have access to assistive devices for testing .

  11. 总结确定汽轮机及其辅助设备系统以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)的技术分析流程,研究其中的基本技术分析方法。

    Flow of RCM technologic analysis is summarized to determine the maintenance requirements of a steam tur-bine and its auxiliary equipment & system .

  12. 利用AutoCAD二次开发工具ARX,开发出一套适合水电站辅助设备系统图设计的元件图,可以大大缩减设计中的绘图工作量,降低设计人员的工作强度,提高工作效率。

    It facilitates the development of component charts for hydroelectric set auxiliary equipment applying AutoCAD ARX tool , which shorten the workload of drawing largely and improve the efficiency .

  13. 它主要包括导向轨道,焊接小车、自动控制系统和其它辅助设备,利用CO2(CO2+Ar2)气保护焊工艺,可实现管口的自动化焊接。

    It includes a guide track , a welding carriage ( or two carriages ), a set of automatic control system and other supplementary instruments . It uses CO2 gas ( or CO2 + Ar2 mixture gas ) as protective atmosphere .

  14. 介绍以可靠性为中心的维修技术(RCM),并用该技术对汽轮机及其辅助设备系统进行了分析。

    The reliability-centered maintenance ( RCM ) technology has been presented , and the said technology used on steam turbine and it 's auxiliary equipment system being analysed .

  15. 人工电源网络是EMC测试中使用的主要辅助设备,对其校准方法进行了介绍,包括阻抗和电压分压系数的校准,其中重点介绍了电压分压系数的测量方法。

    The calibration of Line Artificial-Mains Network for EMC test is introduced in this article , including the calibration of impedance and voltage division factor , with emphasis on the method of voltage division factor .

  16. DougCarter是加拿大陈述报告技能培训公司PresentationsEtc.的创始人。在可能的情况下,他都会提前一天到达做报告的现场,确保所有的电子辅助设备正常运作。

    Doug Carter is the founder of Canada-based presentation skills training company Presentations Etc. When possible , he gets to the location of his presentation the day before to make sure all the electronic aids work .

  17. 模型实验中采用阿基米德数Ar作为相似准则,按照1/3.5的几何比例尺以及其他制约条件设计并制作物理模型,同时完成测试仪器选配和测试辅助设备装置的建立。

    In this experiment , Ar number has been adopted as the criteria of similarity , the model has been designed and made according to the geometric scale of 1 / 3.5 , and the experiment equipments have been chosen for the model .

  18. 2002年200MW及以上容量火电机组主要辅助设备运行可靠性指标分析

    The Analysis of Reliability Indicators for Auxiliary Equipment of Coal-fired Power Generation Units ( 200 MW and above ) in 2002

  19. 意大利比圣安娜高等学校的感知机器人实验室(Percro)推出的BodyExtender,是工业应用辅助设备中最复杂的设备之一。

    Among the most complex assist devices for industrial use is the Body Extender , the work of the Perceptual Robotics Laboratory ( better known as Percro ) at the ScuolaSuperioreSant ' Anna near Pisa , Italy .

  20. 智能辅助设备(IAD)是一种被动式、可与操作者在一个作业空间实现人机合作作业的特种机器人,零重力操作是它的关键技术之一。

    Intelligence Assist Device ( IAD ) is a kind of passive special manipulator , which can cooperate with operators in the same workspace . Zero gravity operation is one of the key technique of it .

  21. 智能辅助设备(IAD)是采用人机工程学技术和计算机控制技术的新一代物料搬运装置,该项技术在国际上正处于起步阶段。

    Intelligent Assist Device ( IAD ) is a new material handling device , based on ergonomic technology and computer control technology . At present , this technology is at its initial stage in the world .

  22. 本文主要研究成果如下。(1)根据PEMFC机理模型和辨识模型的建模原理,建立了包括PEMFC机理模型和辅助设备模型的车用PEMFC系统混合动态模型。

    The main contributions obtained in this dissertation are as follows . ( 1 ) According to the modeling principle of mechanism model and identification model of PEMFC , a mixed dynamic model of PEMFC system for vehicles which includes mechanism model and auxiliary equipment model of PEMFC is proposed .

  23. 针对车辆使用天然气的前景及适用车辆,加气系统的主要结构,瑞士MSB公司兴建的加气站的技术特征、控制系统的防爆要求,计算机辅助设备等进行了介绍。

    This article describes the foreground of natural gas for vehicle utilisation and introduces the primary structure of refueling system , the technical features of refuel refueling station built by Switzerland MSB Company , the explosion protection requirements of control system , computer accessories , etc.

  24. 提出升降台,长夹板等辅助设备的合理改进,使Φ500mm三辊粗轧机实现交叉轧制,提高产量,并使操作灵活方便,安全可靠。

    The rational improvement of the elevating table , long - guide and other auxiliary equipment are put forward . Cross rolling are realized on φ 500 mm three - high mill , production are improved and operation become flexible , convenient , safe and reliable .

  25. 地下无轨矿山辅助设备(车辆)综述

    Review of Auxiliary Facilities ( Vehicle ) of Underground Trackless Mine

  26. 砂尘试验箱由试验箱体和辅助设备组成。

    It was made up of test chamber and assistant equipments .

  27. 水力机组辅助设备元件图应用程序的开发

    The application development on component chart of hydroelectric unit auxiliary equipment

  28. 计算机保护系统报警辅助设备的开发和使用。

    Computer protection alarm system aids in the development and use .

  29. 遥控爆炸系统是地震勘探的主要辅助设备之一。

    Remote control blaster system is one of seismic exploration instruments .

  30. 使用适当的辅助设备,解决身体和感官缺陷问题;

    Prescription of appropriate assistive devices to address physical and sensory impairments ;