
  1. 对庆安县20世纪两次较大洪水成因、特点及灾害进行了分析,并总结了经验教训。

    This paper analyzes the causation and character of the two larger flood in Qingan County in20 century and summaries the experiences and lessons .

  2. 1996年长江中游发生了较大洪水,洞庭湖及干流城陵矶地区的洪水位超过历史最高洪水位,防洪工程发挥了重要作用。

    The comparatively large floods occurred in the middle reach of the Yangtze River in 1996 , with the flood levels at Dongting Lake and Chenglingji district on the main stem of the Yangtze River exceeding their historical highest flood levels .

  3. 北碚是重庆主城九区之一,同时也是重庆重要的工业基地,如果北碚遭受较大的洪水,其产生的损失将是巨大的。

    Beibei is one of nine main urban areas of Chongqing , and is important industrial base in Chongqing . If the flood of beibei suffer larger , which produces loss will be enormous .

  4. 人工湿地在夏季雨季时期可以承受较大的短期洪水水力冲击负荷,在100cm/d的负荷下,对氨氮和COD的去除率分别可以达到52%和36%。

    In the wet season of summer , the pilot wetland system could bear a short-period flood hydraulic loading , and ammonia nitrogen and COD removal rates were 52 % and 36 % respectively at the hydraulic loading of 100cm / d.

  5. 作为河流极端的水文情势,排除较大规模的洪水所造成的一定的生态环境破坏和社会经济损失以外,洪水干扰对生态环境产生多方面的正效应。

    Acting as an extreme flow regimeing , flood disturbance has positive effects on eco-environment , except for a certain degree of eco-environment destroying and social economy disasters .

  6. 中小型水库群对一场洪水的洪峰流量和径流量影响较大,对连续洪水的次场洪水影响较小。

    Groups of medium and small-sized reservoirs have greater influence to the peak discharge and runoff volume of an individual flood and smaller influence to an individual flood of continuous floods .