
lún yuán
  • flange;wheel flange;felloe;felly;compass rafter
轮缘 [lún yuán]
  • [compass rafter] 切割成曲线形的缘子,通常用在有装饰的屋架或山墙框架上

轮缘[lún yuán]
  1. C0-C0轴式机车轮缘磨耗不均匀的分析及改进

    Analysis and improvement of asymmetric abrasion of C_0-C_0 locomotive wheel flange

  2. SS7型电力机车轮缘偏磨问题的探讨

    Discussion on Wheel Flange Partial Wearing of SS_7 Type Electric Locomotive

  3. 还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。

    There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver 's head in the worst impacts

  4. 提速DF4型机车轮缘磨耗分析及对策

    Prevention and Analysis on the Flange Abrasion of Increasing - speed DF_4 Type Locomotive

  5. 轮对自由横动量对2C0机车轮缘磨耗的影响

    Influenced by free lateral displacement of wheelset on flange wear of 2C_0 locomotive

  6. ND2型内燃机车轮缘偏磨的整治与研究东风4系列机车1、6位闸瓦偏磨及闸瓦贴轮的解决办法

    Evaluation and Study of the One Side Over-wear of the wheel Flange of ND_2 MOdel Diesel Locomotive Trouble shooting of the brake shoes for DF_4 series locomotives

  7. LCF轮缘固体润滑剂摩擦学性能的实验室及现场应用评价

    Laboratory and Field Evaluation on Tribological Behaviors of LCF Flange Solid Lubricant

  8. 用ANSYS有限元分析软件计算了某型负重轮橡胶轮缘的温度场,定量分析了5个参数对轮缘最高温度的影响。

    The temperature field of a kind of road wheel 's rubber flange was calculated with finite element analysis software ANSYS , and the effect of five parameters on the highest temperature of wheel flange was analyzed .

  9. 提出采用13号大摆角车钩、ST型缓冲器,心盘、轮缘润滑采用干式润滑剂等方案,运用效果良好。

    It is put forward to apply such schemes as the No. 13 coupler with big swing angle , ST draft gears , and dry type lubricant for center plates and wheel flange . The result of operation is good .

  10. 基于平均N-S方程、采用雷诺应力微分模型、非结构化网格技术,对轴流转桨式水轮机转轮轮缘间隙的三维湍流流动进行数值模拟。

    Based on the average N-S equation , adopting Reynolds stress differential models and unstructured mesh technology , numerical simulation is performed on the 3D turbulent flow of Kaplan turbine 's flange clearance .

  11. 辐板与轮缘的R3转接处表面存在点蚀坑诱发了故障的发生,Ⅳ级盘的疲劳开裂和扩展主要与盘的共振有关。

    The corrosion pits at the R3 arc transition between the web and the flange induced accident . The cracking and propagation of the 4th compression disc is mainly related to the vibration stresses .

  12. 采用IPC-PLC联机控制技术,使该机床具有六自由度闭环控制、辙叉水平找正、轮缘槽对刀、自动磨削/手动磨削等功能。

    Using IPC-PLC control technology , the grinder took on six freedom closed control , horizontal adjusting , groove adjusting , and manual / auto-machining , etc.

  13. 浆液搅拌车驱动轮轮缘的结构应力分析

    Structural stress analysis of driving wheel rim of slurry agitation vehicle

  14. 车轮轮辋和轮缘厚度关系的探讨

    Discussion of the Relation between Wheel Rim and Wheel Flange Thickness

  15. 新型轻轨车辆钢套橡胶轮轮缘大变形分析

    The Large Deformation Analysis of Rubber-tire Wheels of New Light-rail Vehicles

  16. 计算机视觉在轮缘磨损检测中的应用研究

    A Study on Applying Computer Vision in Detection of Wheel Wear

  17. 轮缘力作用下转向架极限环蛇行分析

    Analysis of limit cycle hunting of a bogie with ranged wheels

  18. 大功率汽轮机叶轮轮缘传热系数的研究

    Heat Transfer Coefficient of Wheel Rims of Large Capacity Steam Turbines

  19. 用激光法提高车轮踏面及轮缘强度

    Improving Strength of Wheel Tread and Wheel Flange with Laser Method

  20. 机车轮缘干式润滑装置在提速机车上的应用

    Application of the wheel flange dry lubricators on the speeding up locomotives

  21. 车轮轮缘接触应力与影响因素的研究

    Research on Wheel - Flange Contact Stress and Influencing Factors

  22. 209型转向架轮缘偏磨故障分析

    Analysis on the Trouble of Wheel Flange Partial Wear on 209 Bogies

  23. 汽轮机叶根轮缘弹塑性接触有限元应力分析

    Stresses Analysis of Turbine Roots and Rims with a Contact Elasto-plastic FEM

  24. 使胶卷或纸张穿入的轮缘上的齿。

    Has teeth on the rims to pull film or paper through .

  25. 轮对轮缘自动堆焊机的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Wheel to flange Automatic Welding Machine

  26. 长波长直线钢轨交替侧磨和机车轮缘磨耗的形成和防治

    Long Wavelength Rail Alternative Side Wear and Locomotive Flange Wear on Tangent

  27. 水轮车轮子很大,轮缘周围装有叶片。

    Water wheel is a big wheel with blades around the rim .

  28. 纤维周边,纤维外缘汽车轮缘外边的橡皮环。

    Fibre periphery rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel .

  29. 上海地铁车轮轮缘非正常磨耗的初步分析

    Problem Discussion Initial Analysis of Abnormal Wear on Shanghai Subway Car Wheel Flange

  30. 无轮缘车轮动力性能的研究

    A research of the dynamical performance for rim-less wheels on saturated clay soils