- torso;trunk;body;carcass;pars trunci

(1) [trunk]∶人体除头、颈和四肢外的躯体部分
应元伟躯干。-- 清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》
(2) [torso]∶人体雕像的身躯,尤指无头无四肢的人体雕像身躯
(3) [carcass]∶屠宰了的动物躯体;去了生皮、头、四肢、可食用的内脏与下水后的躯体;已经整理好了的躯体
Diagnosis of primary malignant soft-tissue tumors of extremities and trunk with MRI
The EMG average amplitude was increased with the increase of the trunk rotation angle without significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .
They had superposed a picture of his head onto someone else 's body .
Kinematic analysis of the upper limbs during elbow extension in C_5 and C_6 spinal cord injury patients
CT-guided Percutaneous Biopsy in Axial Bone Diseases
Calibration of lung counter using a CT model of torso phantom and Monte Carlo method
Surfaces model of body based on Cubic B-spline technology is built after point cloud data being grid processed .
Results : One patient of King ⅲ type developed crankshaft phenomenon during follow up .
Research on the technical advantage of Body-defence from CUBA men ′ s basketball league mathematical statistics
Meanwhile , the PT of extensors and PT , TW of flexors correlated significantly with the index of specific ability .
Chronic musculo-skeletal injury ( CMI ) of trunk is a work-related disease in sedentary workers .
Methods The musculoskeletal function and work ability index ( WAI ) were tested in 101 workers from CI .
An individual human was modeled as an assembly of natural body parts , including head-shoulder , torso , and leg .
The titans ( Google , Facebook ) don 't seem content building smaller , more precious sideshows - they want to be the platform , the body to the many-headed Narcissus .
Q. What is the probability that if I am stabbed by a knife in my torso that it won 't hit anything vital and I 'll live ?
PT / BW and TAE of extensors in patients were lower than those of healthy subjects ( p < 0.05 ) , ER of extensors were no significant difference between the patients and healthy subjects ( p > 0.05 ) .
The Kappa values of each category were in high concordance , the maximum 0.751 and the minimum 0.379 , but the assessment of upper extremity motor function and trunk sensory function was undistinguishable .
Methods Fifteen burn patients with flexion deformity of 21 hip and knee joints due to scar contrac-ture following deep burn of the trunk and lower extremities were enrolled in the study , and they were divided into A , B and C groups .
The math model of a uniform feasible configuration space is described , based on which the RRT-based arm and upper-body manipulation planning algorithms have been proposed .
It first selects a CT number threshold to make the original image a binary one and deals it with a torso mask that derives from the contours extracted with a Sobel operator .
RESULTS : After SPR , the recovery rates of body activity and variation between squatting and standing positions among the CP comparative items were 88 % and 72 % with significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) .
The shapes of trunk and hips of 100-meter and 200-meter male elite athletes display a sturdy appearance , but the physical figure of 400-meter and 400-meter hurdle elite athletes is inclined to be the thin type ;
The lesions were 0.1 ~ 3.0 cm in diameter on face neck trunk and limbs which were not pruritic .
Under local anesthesia , the instruments were inserted at a 45 degrees angle sagital to the trunk , and the entry point was located 8 to 10 cm from the midline .
Every skeletal muscle maximal voluntary contraction ( MVC ) EMG were recorded to make the standardization . Each test complete at 4s and repeat 3 times . Record each experiment data of the electromyography , trunk angles and COP , and make the statistics and analysis .
METHODS All rabbits were anesthetized with ether inhalation . The dorsal skin of rabbits were immersed in 95 ℃ water ( or 37 ℃ water ) for 30 s. This procedure produced a full thickness burn of 30 % total body surface area ( TBSA ) or sham burn .
Objectives : To explore the value of intercostal nerves somatosensory evoked potentials ( ISEPs ) in evaluating the function disorders of somatosensory nerve in senile patients with diabetes mellitus ( DM ), and relative factors causing abnormal ISEP were analyzed .
All of the indices were compared between two groups . It was found that except PT / BW and ER of flexors and cross-sectional area of sacrospinalis , there were significant differences between other indices of the patients compared with healthy subjects ( P0.05 ) .
Methods Thirteen male volunteers lifted loads of 6 and 13 kg at two speeds , in varying angles of trunk rotation , from floor to knuckle height , performing 16 lifting tasks .
The long trunk figures of the players come into being .