
  • 网络super-high myopia
  1. 结论:LASIK手术对于中度、高度近视组远期效果是安全、有效,稳定的,对超高度近视也是非常安全、有效的。

    Conclusion : LASIK surgery is safe , effective , stable for the medium and high myopia , and it is also very safe for super-high myopia .

  2. 目的:观察有晶体眼前房人工晶体植入矫正超高度近视的临床效果。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of implanting Phakic-6H-125 anterior chamber intraocular lens ( PACLs ) in anterior chamber to correct super-high myopia .

  3. 丝裂霉素C在Epi-LASIK术矫正高度和超高度近视中的应用

    Clinical study of applying mitomycin C in Epi-LASIK surgery for treatment of middle and high myopia

  4. 目的探讨LASIK治疗高度及超高度近视术后屈光回退的相关因素。

    Objective To evaluate the regression relevant factors of LASIK for treatment on high and over-high myopia .

  5. 结论:Haze为高度、超高度近视眼PRK术后的主要并发症。

    · CONCLUSION : Haze is the main complication after PRK for high and superhigh myopia .

  6. 结论:LASIK手术对高度和超高度近视有良好矫治效果。

    Conclusion : LASIK can be an effective method for reducing high and extra-high myopia with minimal complications .

  7. 结论:LASIK、LASEK治疗高度或超高度近视有较好的疗效。

    CONCLUSION : LASIK and LASEK are effective methods to treat high and over-high myopia patients .

  8. 结论分期PRK手术方案治疗超高度近视较常规方案更安全、有效,可作为治疗超高度近视的良好选择。

    Conclusion Compared with the conventional PRK , PRK by stages is more effective and safe for extremely high myopia .

  9. 结论LASIK术后5年是安全、有效的,中高度近视明显好于超高度近视。

    Conclusion In the follow-up of five years , LASIK is effective and safe . The results in middle and high myopia are better than that in extreme high myopia .

  10. 方法选择接受LASIK治疗的高度和超高度近视患者47例(93眼),其中男18例(35眼)、女29例(58眼)。

    Methods The prospective study involved 47 patients ( 93 eyes ) with high and over-high myopia who received LASIK treatment , 18 male ( 35 eyes ), 29 female ( 58 eyes ) .

  11. DOP决定于光源的谱特征,光谱越对称,强度相对大的纵模数越多,DOP越小。对超高度近视误差较大,可靠性稍差;对散光轴轴向的测量准确性高,可靠性强。

    Moreover , DOP becomes lower if the symmetry of spectrum is well and the number of relative large longitudinal mode increases . for super-higher degree myopia , the reliability becomes lower .

  12. 目的:比较准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)和激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)治疗高度和超高度近视的远期临床效果及其影响疗效的因素。

    AIM : To compare the therapeutic effects and effective factors of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy ( PRK ) and laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ) in the correction of high and severe myopia .

  13. 但当屈光度≥9D时,眼轴测量欠准确,这可能与超高度近视均伴有后巩膜葡萄肿,A超测量眼轴时很难准确落于黄斑区有关。

    When refractive error is more than 9 D , the measurement of the axial lengths isn 't accurate . The possible reason is that superhigh myopia combines with posterior scleral the which makes A-scan aim at macula difficultly .

  14. 准分子激光治疗高度和超高度近视

    The Correction of Moderate and Severe Myopia with the Excimer Laser

  15. 超高度近视行准分子激光上皮下角膜磨镶术治疗远期疗效观察

    Long-term effect of laser subepithelial keratomileusis in the treatment of super-high myopia

  16. 超高度近视超声乳化白内障吸出术后黄斑区光学相干断层扫描改变

    Macula changes in patients with super-high myopia after phacoemulsification

  17. 透明晶状体超声乳化人工晶状体植入术治疗高度和超高度近视

    Phacoemulsification for clear lens and intraocular lens implantation in high and super high myopia

  18. 超薄瓣结合准分子激光分区切削治疗超高度近视的护理

    Nursing care of high myopia patients treated by ultrathin valve combined with molecular laser partition cutting

  19. 术后远期超高度近视组眼轴增长明显,有轴性近视的发生。

    After long-term following up , the growth of ocular axis in super-high myopia is obvious .

  20. 有晶状体眼后房型人工晶状体植入和准分子激光原位角膜磨削术矫正超高度近视的临床评价

    Evaluations of Extreme Myopia Correction with Phakic Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens and Laser in Situ Keratomileusis

  21. 结论对于低、中、超高度近视眼患者,眼轴增长为影响近视屈光度的主要因素,高度近视患者还同时受角膜曲率改变的影响。

    Conclusion The main effective factor on the diopter of myopia is the axis length for most patients .

  22. 结论有晶体眼前房型人工晶体植入术可有效治疗超高度近视。手术具有安全性、有效性、可预测性及可逆性。

    Conclusions The implantation of phakic anterior chamber IOL for high myopia is effective , securely and predictable .

  23. 超声乳化联合负度数人工晶状体植入治疗白内障合并超高度近视

    Clinical significance of phacoemulsification and implantation of negative-power intraocular lenses in patients with super high myopia and cataract

  24. 不同术式治疗超高度近视的效果探讨超高压与溶菌酶联合的抑菌效果研究

    The effect discussion of different operations for extremely high myopia ANTIMICROBIAL ACTION BY COMBINING ULTRA-HIGH PRESSURE TREATMENT WITH LYSOZYME

  25. 结论透明晶状体超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入术与角膜屈光手术相比较,更适合治疗高度进行性近视及超高度近视。

    Conclusion Compared with refractive keratoplasty , this operation is more suitable for progressive high myopia and super high myopia .

  26. 结论高度及超高度近视的角膜厚度随着屈光度的增加而变薄。

    Conclusion The corneal thickness of myopia with high degree and supra high degree become thinner with the increase of refraction .

  27. 方法局部麻醉下对42例59眼超高度近视白内障患者行超声乳化人工晶状体植入术。

    Methods Phacoemulsification and IOL implantation was performed under local anesthesia on 42 cases ( 59 eyes ) diagnosed with very high myopia and cataract .

  28. 结果:近视回退率中低度近视组为3.2%,高度近视组为14.4%,超高度近视组为56.9%。

    Results : The rate of the regression in moderate & low myopia group is 3 2 % , in high myopia group is 14 4 % , in super high myopia group is 56 8 % .

  29. 利用A超、角膜地形图仪测定688只近视眼的上述参数,分低度、中度、高度、超高度近视4组进行统计分析。

    Method : We used ultrasonic A and corneal topography to study 688 myopic eyes divided into 4 groups : Low , moderate , high and over-high myopia , analysis of variance and linear regression analysis was performed .