
  • 网络equatorial undercurrent;euc
  1. 137°E赤道潜流1月年际变化及其原因的探讨

    The interannual variability of Equatorial Undercurrent in January at 137 ° e

  2. ElNi■o期间太平洋赤道潜流逆转事件

    A Event of Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent Inversion During El Ni ■ o

  3. 赤道潜流变化及其与ENSO的关系

    Variations of equatorial undercurrent and its relationship with ENSO cycle

  4. 认为赤道潜流运动逆转并非1982~1983年ELNino期间的偶发事件。

    It would be thought that the occurrence of Equatorial Undercurrent inversion during the 1982 / 83 El Nino is not an occasional event .

  5. 在年际变化中,赤道潜流变化特征非常明显,尤其是在ELNino事件发生过程中,赤道潜流出现明显的加强现象。

    The annual change of EUC is very obvious too , and particularly in the period of El Nino event occurs , the EUC appears obvious strengthening phenomenon .

  6. 利用日本海洋调查船沿137°E断面8°N1°S之间、19681985年每年1月份的海流实测资料,分析了该断面上赤道潜流的变化。

    Current observation data by Japanese research vessels between 8 ° N and 1 ° S along the section of 137 ° E in months of January from 1968-1984 were used to examine the variability of Equatorial Undercurrent ( EUC ) in this area .

  7. 由于该上升流的存在,使赤道潜流沿纬向发生弯曲:位于上升流西侧的潜流流轴降至300m水层深处,而东侧上升至100m左右的水层深处。

    In the presence of the upwelling , the EUC meanders along the zonal direction , with its core diving down to 300m depth at the west side of the upwelling and rising up to 100m depth at the east side .

  8. 中太平洋西部赤道潜流的水文分析

    Hydrologic analysis of the equatorial undercurrent in the western Pacific Ocean

  9. 计算结果再现了太平洋气候平均状态的海温分布和主要海流的大尺度特征以及它们的年变化特征。如西部强化流、赤道潜流等。

    The simulated results reproduce the major large-scale features of temperature field and main currents in the Pacific Ocean and their seasonal variation , such as the relatively strong current at western boundaries , the Equatorial Undercurrent , the Equatorial Countercurrent , etc.

  10. 赤道太平洋潜流变化特征及其与异常海温东传福清湾北部及其以东近岸海域沉积环境和沉积特征

    Variable properties of the equatorial undercurrent in the Pacific and its anomalous warm water eastward propagation Depositional environment and sedimentary characteristics in northern Fuqing Bay and its eastward coastal area

  11. 赤道西太平洋潜流和东太平洋南赤道流减弱是产生厄尔尼诺的必要条件。

    It is necessary for the undercurrent to strongen in the western Pacific Ocean and for the sea surface current to weaken in the eastern Pacific Ocean .

  12. 流速矢量旋转谱水平随深度的变化呈马鞍形,低谷及深处的峰所在深度分别与南赤道流及赤道潜流的南边界所在深度大体一致。

    The depths of the trough and the deeper peaks are almost coincident with those of the south boundaries of the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Undercurrent , respectively .

  13. 西太平洋赤道海域是监测赤道潜流变异及其与ELNino事件关系的关键地区。

    The western Equatorial Pacific Ocean is a key region for monitoring both the Equatorial Undercurrent variation and its relation with the El Nino event .

  14. 1986~1987年厄尔尼诺事件中,赤道Kelvin波流速模态起主要作用,赤道潜流增强。

    During the 1986 ~ 1987 EI Nino event , the equatorial kelvin wave current model played the main role , EUC was strengthened . During the twice EI Nino events ;